Sustainability Pledge

Sign the Sustainability Pledge

We Pledge to Make a Difference

Everett Community College is a leader in environmental and economic sustainability. From the college's strategic plan to resource conservation to its Sustainability Committee, EvCC is leading the way - and educating the leaders of tomorrow. We are able to continue that mission with your help. Please add your name to the list of EvCC Staff and Students who are committed to making EvCC Sustainable.

I ______________ pledge to support a sustainable community at Everett Community College. I will consider the environmental, social and economic impact of my daily decision and make every effort to reduce my carbon footprint. I will also share my individual sustainability with others at EvCC.

Sign the pledge!

EvCC Staff can sign the pledge at

Students and community members: Show your support by getting involved in EvCC's sustainability organizations and attending events.

Learn more about how to Go Green at EvCC >