Everett Community College offers you the option of completing the first two years of coursework toward a major in anthropology. Often what sets anthropology students apart from those interested in other disciplines is their intense curiosity about humanity. They want to know everything about everyone around them. This can mean that the anthropology student wants to take classes in everything offered on campus and thrives on the diversity of opportunities that open up with anthropology training. While this holistic approach might be a detriment in other disciplines, it is considered essential for the practicing anthropologist.
Ideal for students who have the combination of a curious mind and an avid interest in everything, the field of anthropology should be overwhelmed with applications for anthropology education. In reality, factors that often stop a student from considering a degree in anthropology are what may be called the Myths of Anthropology:
Myth 1: There are few jobs in anthropology, except for teaching positions.
Reality: Almost all anthropologists with master’s degrees and more than 50% of Ph.D. ’s are employed outside the academic setting. More and more jobs are available for people trained in anthropology. See Career Opportunities, for more details about the anthropology job market.
Myth 2: Anthropologists are loners, often isolated from others from their own society for long periods of time.
Reality: More and more, anthropologists work as members of teams, both within and outside the U.S. The skills needed to understand diverse cultures make the anthropologist a strong job applicant. Employers value people who can work well with a wide range of fellow employees.
Myth 3:To be an anthropologist you have to travel oversees.
Reality: While international travel can appeal to the anthropology student, a greater amount of work in industrialized societies is being conducted every year. This means you can practice as an anthropologist anywhere, including in your own back yard.
Myth 4: Anthropology and archaeology are two separate disciplines.
Reality: Archaeologists ARE anthropologists. Archaeology is one of four major areas of focus in anthropology, in addition to biological, cultural, and anthropological linguistics. So if you are thinking of being an archaeologist, you want to pursue a degree in anthropology.
By the way, Indiana Jones was not a real archaeologist!
Myth 5: Anthropologists work with dinosaur bones.
Reality: Sorry. That is the work of geologists, but many biological anthropologists and archaeologists do work with more recent fossil remains.
Myth 6: I am too old to be an anthropologist.
Reality: The average age of the Ph.D. student in anthropology is 40 years. It is not too late!
Okay, so much for the myths. Explore the idea of a degree in anthropology, knowing that if you are sincere about your passion for people, this is possibly a great fit for you.