Writing Club Meeting

You're invited to join Writing Club! Come express yourself through writing with bi-weekly prompts. Short stories, long essays, pandemic woes, anything goes!

Fall 2021
Writing Club Meetings
Thursdays: 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2
Join on Zoom video icon

Writing Prompt: Write a dialogue in which each of the two characters has a secret. Do not reveal the secret but make the reader intuit it. For example, the dialogue might be between a husband, who has just lost his job and hasn’t worked up the courage to tell his wife, and his wife, who has a lover in the bedroom. Purpose: to give two characters individual ways of speaking, and to make dialogue crackle with feelings not directly expressed. Remember that in dialogue, as a general rule, every pause must somehow be shown, either by narration (for example, “she paused”) or by some gesture or other break that shows the pause. And remember that gesture is a part of all real dialogue. Sometimes, for instance, we look away instead of answering. (From The Art of Fiction by John Gardner)

As always, you can ignore, adapt, or steal from this prompt as you see fit! Feel free to use it to generate new material, or to work on characters from a story you have already begun.

Looking to strengthen your writing? The Writing Club is a place for serious writers to convene for encouragement and critique. Writers of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry are welcome. Writers meet bi-weekly to write and to promote awareness, understanding, and discussion of the various literary genres. Members are also involved in a variety of campus activities related to the literary arts.

Advisor: Aaron Barrell - abarrell@everettcc.edu

If you are a person with a disability and need accommodation in connection with this event, contact the Center for Disability Services at least 5 days in advance at 425-388-9272 or cds@everettcc.edu.

Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm