Creative Writing

Name: Aidan Montgomery

Title: The Chrysanthemum

Major: Undecided


Chrysanthemums are known as a flower of happiness in the United States but in the rest of the world it is known as a flower of sadness. I found this very interesting and felt that they represented the immense difference between cultures.

I’ve often wondered the reason why such a beautiful and vibrant flower like the Chrysanthemum means death.

Maybe it’s because no matter the death of something, if it is beautiful, it will stay beautiful. Like a woman, lost too quickly to the sweet embrace of the Reaper. While she lay on the bed of the perished, her beauty still lives.

Maybe Death isn’t ugly.
Maybe Death is graceful; sharp, but vibrant, like the petals of the flower Death is represented by.

True Death only harms the inside, which is something no one can truly see. The beauty of Death is frozen forever in time, like a rock, or God.

Death cannot be counted nor measured, because it is different every time, like an individual flower.
Death is honest as well.

Like the white Chrysanthemum, Death is the only honest thing we have in life. Honesty is pure, like white, and cold in shade, yet warm in fragrance like all else we view in life. Death is an illusion of separation. We truly do not lose someone to death, because they were not ours to begin with. We did not own them; we truly own nothing in this world. That is honesty, and the truth is as cold as the white that brushes over the petals of the flower that represents death.

Death is beautiful, and grief is sharp, happiness is deceitful, and honesty is cold.

That’s why the Chrysanthemum represents Death.
