The Last Visit

By Caitlin Mae Pennington

We all have things we regret. This piece is about regretting not visiting a loved one before it was too late.

As my eyes get heavy and my mind slowly drifts, I think of that day....

A sweet smile spreads across her wrinkled face. "Hello honey," She says," It's nice to see you."

I love hearing her voice. It's the voice that wraps you in love like a thick blanket.

"Hello Grandma," I reply, "It's nice to see you too." I lean down for a hug and a kiss.

"How have you been?" "The same as always," she said with a twinkle in her eye," I've gotten quite good at bingo."

"Really?" I say. "I even won this for you!" She pulls out a small, white bear.

It's slightly stained, but it is from her so I receive it as if it an Oscar.

"Thank you so much!" I smile and give her another hug, "I love you." "I love you too."

I wish that was what happened. I wish I would have visited one last time.

But instead I said no. "No" to the many invitations to visit her. I was in college, too busy for a visit.

Too busy to stop by and say hello. But in reality, I could've made time. But I said "No" to one last visit.
