Arlene Cobb

I wrote this poem after I saw a news story about the New Zealand shooting and realized that I wasn’t surprised to hear this news anymore. This was really startling to me and I just grabbed a pen and paper and wrote my feelings about it. I hope that someday there is a way to drastically help the mass shooting problem and that people are once again surprised to hear the news.

Ariene Cobb

No Longer Surprised

You tune into your local news
Yet another story of someone’s life taken by another, it wasn’t their right to choose
Crime after crime committed by those with no soul
Grief of loved ones creates an ever-growing black hole
Swallowing the joy they once had
They are crippled into only remaining sad

It continues to grow
When those you love are taken down by ammo
As bullets pass by
Children are taken from their parents and drift into the sky
Mrs. turned into Ms.
What kind of world is this

My deepest hope is that someday when the news talks of tragedy people aren’t familiarized
That instead, they are overwhelmed with surprise

I wrote this poem after I saw a news story about the New Zealand shooting and realized that I wasn’t surprised to hear this news anymore. This was really startling to me and I just grabbed a pen and paper and wrote my feelings about it. I hope that someday there is a way to drastically help the mass shooting problem and that people are once again surprised to hear the news.
