Meteor Dreams
Megan Hardoby (2011)
Blazing trails across the skies,
Blue lines streak across my eyes,
Specks of dust from outer space,
Now shooting stars of rapid pace.
Skies of soot and glowing lights,
Darkened seconds, then blazing nights..
Million trails of glowing flames,
Fiery nightmares with blazing manes.
They prance and dance and rear up high,
Their onyx heads now nose the skies,
As earthward, now, they all alight.
Wickedly, their eyes burn bright,
Looking now for fearful prey,
Now they glance here, towards my way.
Baring teeth and flailing feet,
They rush to me, a rushing fleet.
Smoking now, the grass lies burned,
From where their dancing feet then turned.
Duck and dodge, now run away,
Praying for the break of day.
Turn to face a blazing stallion,
Backed behind by raging thousand.
Sudden flash and everything fades,
Awakening to sudden daze.
Fire streaking 'cross the skies,
No stallions there to greet my eyes.