Featured Honors Students

Honors Graduates

Kai Decker with Dr. Brown

Kai Decker, 2024, Eduation with mentor Dr. Diane Brown. Kai researched the association between academic achievement, student engagement, and sense of belonging of a high school student population after COVID-19. 

Chien Nguyen

Chien Nguyen, 2024, Computer Science, Mentor: Eihab El Radie. Chien created an all-in-one resource finder and CS academic planning pathway tool written in Java for EvCC students transferring to 4-year programs.



Elishah Webb

Elishah Webb, 2024, Engineering, Mentor: Matthew Parsons Fuentes. Elishah's capstone project involved researching, designing, and building an axial flux motor, a type of electric motor that rotates parallel to the stator, unlike the traditional radial motor.

Jennifer Franzen

Debby Casson and Tanja Labenski

Dr. Karen Linton and Vinsensius

Boyan Hristov and Dr. Diane Brown

Karenna Blomberg and Gina Colantino

Amber Samaniego and Ashley Young

Dr. Charles Fischer and Isabelle John 

Meet EvCC's First Honors Program Graduates

Dennice (left) and Tu completed their Capstone Projects in June of 2013, and presented at the first annual Honors Forum on June 6, 2013.

Dennice Bryant

Dennice completed her Capstone Project under the guidance of Dr. Steven Horn.

Tu Anh Le

Tu completed his Capstone Project under the guidance of Sandra Lepper.