Our Story

Vibrations is Everett Community College's annual art and literary publication produced by students in the Graphic Arts 251 and 252 classes. It features work from the graphic arts, fine art, music, photography, theatre, and creative writing programs.
Founded in 1963 as a literary publication, Vibrations has remained strong and consistent in its dedication as the showcase for exceptional creative work by Everett Community College students. The mission of Vibrations is to exhibit, promote and support the art and literary works of our students.

The staff of the Vibrations magazine worked diligently to create a well-designed product that showcases the artists who contributed. To efficiently produce the magazine the staff took on different roles in order to complete the magazine in time.

Art Directors
art directors

The art director and assistant art director were responsible for making sure that the designers were creating a cohesive looking magazine. They had to make final decisions on the layout, font, cover and poster.


The editors were responsible for working with the designers to shape the content of the publication. They gave encouragement and objective criticism that the designers used to restructure the different elements of the magazine.

Layout/Grid Group

contentsLayout Group

Once the format of the Vibrations publication was determined the designers created a grid and layout for the magazine. The grid gives the magazine its consistency, making the whole magazine coherent. The layout determines the position of the elements.

Website Group
webdesign group

The goal of the website was to provide a simple and easy way to navigate the users though the artwork submitted by the artists. To help tie in the website to the magazine with the same type of layout and font style were used.

Poster/Cover Group

poster cover group

The cover of any magazine is meant to entice the readers to open it. With the Vibrations magazine of 2010, inspiration was taken from the distressed font used on the poster. As a bonus the cover is removable providing the owner’s with a poster on the inside of the cover to be hung on the wall.

Content Group
webdesign group

The content group gathered all the information about the artists included in the publication. The group was responsible for the photos taken of the artists, as well as the photos of the artwork. The content group also created an extensive questionnaire that provided the written content of the Vibrations publication.