Student Work
Student Work - 2024
The EvCC Art department is thrilled to show off work from our talented students! We have a selection of work below along with links to the Art 295 student websites and the Photography Thesis online exhibition.
Students from our Art 295 : Professional Practices submit portfolios and craft a professional website to showcase the hard work and all the skills they've mastered in their time here at EvCC. Please click the image below and spend some time looking through their wonderful portfolios.
Students from the Photo 212 : Visual Thesis Projects class spend the quarter crafting a cohesive body of work to round out their AFA degree. This work is displayed in White Horse Hall (starting on June 6th) and digitally throughout the next year. This is next-level photography work from some of our extremely talented students. Click the image below to connect to the online thesis exhibition!
Click to open work in a new window to zoom and to see more information about the artist, medium, and title of each work.