Faculty Spotlight - Andrea Cahan

Andrea Cahan

Tell us a little about your professional background. 

I graduated from Western Washington University in 1997, taught at Snohomish High School for six years, then took a year off. I started at EvCC in 2004 and was tenured in 2015.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I believe that EvCC is a tight-knit community with a student-centered focus, which is why I went into education in the first place. 

How has the pandemic affected you? How are you doing? 

It has been surreal. I have enjoyed the time with my family and feel blessed that we are both still working full time. Our children are old enough to Zoom on their own and need minimal help getting situated with their school work. We are doing a lot of family movies and game nights. 

How have you adapted your curriculum and teaching methods to support students who are learning from home?

I have spent a lot of time revamping my Canvas structure and modules. I am conducting online Zoom office hours daily and am communicating with my students via email, phone, and Zoom. 

What advice do you have for students who are taking online or livestream classes for the first time?

I recommend that they utilize all their resources including Zoom meetings, office hours, and reading the syllabus thoroughly. Reach out to your instructors; we are here for them and want to make this experience as positive and successful as possible. 

What do you like to do for fun? 

Snowboard, hike, bake, paddle board, bike, read, and spend time with family and friends

What is your favorite snack?  

Popcorn :) 

Anything else you’d like to add? 

EvCC is such a fabulous place to work - the people make it amazing and welcoming to faculty, staff and students. It is a beautiful campus, and I am missing this time of year there.