Student Clubs & Organizations

students browsing club tables at club fest

Clubs are BACK!

Clubs at EvCC are in-person and online! Reach out to the advisor listed in the List of Student Clubs & Organization to get more information on how to join that club.

Want to join the Student LIFE Club Canvas? All Club Leadership should join! We’ll be making announcements about upcoming Club Councils and will be available to answer questions. Self-enroll in the course today!

Having an event, activity or meeting? 

Use the Club Activity/Travel Registration Form to register your activity, event or meeting. This is required for all club activities including events and meetings. For club meetings, you may fill out the form one time for multiple meetings. Please fill out a new form if the meeting date, time, or location changes.

Submit a Graphics & Publicity Request Form 30+ days in advance so Student LIFE can help you publicize your event in print, on social media, the EvCC calendar and the Student LIFE Weekly. 

Have an announcement or need some quick advertising? Fill out the Student LIFE Weekly Request Form 1+ week in advance to be included in the all student weekly newsletter!

Have you made purchases for your approved activity? Use the Club Reimbursement and Invoice Form to have the college reimburse you by check. 

Want to start a new club? Reactivating a club? Here’s how:

1. Find 5 friends. They can be old friends, new friends or people you just met during your Canvas discussions.

2. Find an EvCC employee to advise the club. They can be an instructor or that nice person you met in a Zoom call with Enrollment Services. They need to be employed by EvCC and committed to advising the club. They will be helping with the club with paperwork, activities and guiding the club on procedure and policy.

3. Join the Clubs and Student Organizations Canvas class. We recommend that all club officers and advisors join the canvas class. We'll be making announcements about Club Council, upcoming Club events, and have detailed explanations for processes like activation, purchasing, and travel. 

4. Write a club constitution. 

5. Apply for your club charter. Submit your Club Activation Form and Club Constitution to Student LIFE.

6. Complete a club orientation. Clubs can choose to complete the quiz in the Club and Student Organizations Canvas Class, or request a face-to-face or video orientation by emailing the ASB VP of Clubs at

7. Have fun, make friends, learn something new!

8. Make an announcement about your club's meeting times or events by filling out a Student LIFE Weekly Request Form!

Use the Club Activation Form when you are ready to activate your club.

For questions or more information contact:

Justyce Wright
Student LIFE Advisor
Parks Student Union, 209
425-388-9504 |

Narjis Alshatee
Student LIFE Advisor
Parks Student Union, 209
425-388-9507 |