Faculty Spotlight- Christopher Russell

What do you teach at EvCC? 

Aviation Maintenance Technology

Tell us a little about your professional background. 

My career was spent primarily as a restoration mechanic. I trained first in England with the RAF Museum on WWI and WWII aircraft. I worked with two museums in the area, including Paul Allen’s Flying Heritage Collection. I served as a researcher and restorer for a number of rare aircraft, as well as armored vehicles. Eventually, I branched out to include Vietnam-era aircraft. I’ve had the opportunity to meet a number of interesting people including Buzz Aldrin and Steven Spielberg (And his father). One of my favorite moments was when I accidentally realized a pilot/mechanic I had been working with was actually the stunt pilot from one of my favorite movies.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I chose EvCC first as a student, to learn about Aviation Maintenance. I’ve always had a desire to teach and most of the jobs I’ve had involved teaching; so when the opportunity to teach Aviation at EvCC came I had to take it. This is an exciting program with a dynamic group to work with.

How has the pandemic affected you? How are you doing? 

I have spent far more time at home than normal. But I’ve been able to work on some delayed projects, including an engine overhaul!

How have you adapted your curriculum and teaching methods to support students who are learning from home?

This quarter I taught reciprocating engine overhauls, so I was able to incorporate my own engine project into class. I used a GoPro camera to provide first-person views of the subject matter, and combined that with recorded lectures and whiteboard recordings.

What advice do you have for students who are taking online or livestream classes for the first time?

R-E-L-A-X. Online classes can be intimidating, but don’t let that get you down! If something is difficult to understand or you need help, send your instructor a message. I’m used to spending full days in class and lab with students, so I’d love to hear from you. And if there is something you enjoy during the class, let your instructor know so that they can provide more content like that to help you out.

What do you like to do for fun? 

Most notably, I enjoy brewing beer. I also enjoy spending time with my wife, working on my Honda CRX, collecting and playing vintage video games, playing board games with friends, and some volunteering too.

What is your favorite snack?

I have a hard time turning down a good cookie, of any variety really.

Anything else you’d like to add? 

The recent developments in the world have provided many challenges, but I’m thrilled that we have the opportunity to work through this as a group and keep helping students to find success.