Faculty Spotlight - Vanessa DePuente

What do you teach at EvCC? 

I teach nursing, specifically Nursing 230 which is our senior nursing cohort. I am also the Dept Chair for the Nursing program.

Tell us a little about your professional background. 

I graduated from EvCC with my ADN degree in 2006 and completed my BSN at UW-Bothell in 2008 and joined the EvCC faculty in 2009 as a part time clinical nursing instructor. I completed my Masters in Nursing at UW Bothell in 2011 and joined the full time EvCC faculty in 2012? 2013? I can’t remember!

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I got my Associates degree at EvCC and I really respected the college as a whole, but I felt a real affinity for the faculty and the nursing program. I can’t imagine being anywhere else. I love being able to give back to the college and the program that gave me my start as a nurse. 

How has the pandemic affected you? How are you doing? 

I’m doing ok. In truth the pandemic has affected me less than most, I tend to spend a lot of time at home (can you say introvert?) anyway. My family and friends are all healthy and that’s what counts! I guess the biggest change for me has been carving out quiet time and space to teach class, something I imagine a lot of faculty and students also struggle with. 

How have you adapted your curriculum and teaching methods to support students who are learning from home?

Since I teach the senior nursing students we usually spend most of our class time outside the college at our clinical sites. We were unable to have clinicals in the hospitals during Spring quarter so we have been relying on virtual simulation software programs to provide a clinical environment for our students. That’s been a huge learning curve for the students and I but we are finding a lot of positives in the virtual clinical environments. Clinical assignments are due weekly and can be completed at the student’s convenience.

As far as my teaching methods go, I’m trying to do more discussion rather than lecture. It’s more a flipped classroom where the students review the class materials prior to our Zoom meetings, then we discuss the materials and how the students can apply that information to their own nursing practice. I’ve also made a concerted effort to TILT my assignments, create grading rubrics, and organize my Canvas modules so that students have a clear picture of my weekly expectations. 

We are having weekly Zoom meetings but if our synchronous times don’t work for everyone those meetings are recorded and then posted in our canvas module so that students can view them when they have time to do so. Flexibility is the rule with online teaching/learning!

What advice do you have for students who are taking online or livestream classes for the first time?

Organization is your friend, have a weekly plan. The more you put into your online class the more you will get out of it. The first weeks can be tough but you get into a rhythm if you just stick with it. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your instructors, we are here for you and we want you to succeed!

What do you like to do for fun? 

I read a lot of fiction in a variety of genres and I like to knit, cook, and putter in my small garden. I also have grandchildren who live with me and I always enjoy spending time with them. 

What is your favorite snack?  

A slice of cold pizza is never bad and cold grapes are the bomb!