Faculty Pages

Billy Jones

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A.S., Western Nebraska Community College
B.S., Colorado School of Mines
PhD., Ohio State University

Professional Research and Interests

You see, we are physicists. In a sense, we have not specialized yet. We are like initialized memory with the rules of Technology in our cores. We are good at modeling any and all physical problems (quantum & classical dynamics, gravity, electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, acoustics, thermodynamics, statistical problems, turbulence, chaos) through mathematical and numerical means. Differential equations rule the world---literally---and that is what physicists are passionately trained to solve: diff EQs. But also physicists are very keen on matching these diff EQs to motions around us in our world. The Quantum, Space, Intelligence, and Other Technology Development problems can be illuminated by physicists. Their skills are mathematically based and general enough to solve any problem, but also practical and can be focused on any physical problem in our world. They are not engineers, but very easily can become one.