Solomon Amendment Request

The Solomon Amendment is a federal law (10 U.S.C. § 983 ) which requires institutions who receive federal agency funding shall fulfill military recruitment requests for lists containing student recruiting (e.g. contact) information. An institution is obligated to release student recruiting information specifically identified in the law.

Additional information may be found on the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officer website .

Student Recruiting Information

Student recruiting information refers to the information that military recruiters may request and receive about students. Recruiters may receive student recruiting information for the current and previous term for all students aged 17 and older. The Solomon Amendment provides that students included in student lists must be currently enrolled for at least one credit, be a U.S. citizen with a U.S. address, and not have a FERPA restriction on their record. Everett Community College provides the following in accord with the current regulations:

  • Name
  • Academic Program and Plan (Major)
  • Level (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)
  • Home Address
  • Telephone
  • Electronic mail addresses (which shall be the electronic mail addresses provided by the institution, if available)
  • Age

We are prohibited from providing the following under the Solomon Amendment per the Amendment and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):

  • Social Security Numbers
  • Race/ethnicity/nationality
  • Grades, GPA or QPA
  • Loan status (including default)
  • Veteran status
  • Religious affiliation
  • Students no longer enrolled (drop out/stop out)*

*Please note that when a list is generated, it is a snapshot at that moment. If a student has submitted a request for non-disclosure after the snapshot is taken, the student's information will still have been included. 

Recruiter Requests

Information will be released for military recruiting purposes only. Each branch may receive student recruiting information once each term. If the college has already released the information to a specific branch/unit, we will not release the list again. In accord with the provisions of the act, we require requests to be in writing. A cover letter printed on official letterhead shall also be provided and may be sent as an attachment to the email request. Please send all requests to the Enrollment Services,

We charge a $50.00 service fee plus an additional $.05/ per name. 

Once the written request is received by the Registrar's Office, a response letter with total fees will be sent to the requester with payment information. Once payment has been received, an encrypted list and password will be delivered to the recruiter.