Registration Resources

Important Dates Calendar Policies & Procedures
Catalog Refunds
Class Locations Repeating a Course
Class Schedule Residency Classifications
Confidentiality Transcripts
Drop and Add Transfer Credit
Enrollment Policies Tuition and Payment Policies
Forms Library Waitlist

How to Register

Current Students

Current students begin to register first. Registration dates are established using the number of earned and in-progress credits a student has at EvCC. Students who maintain continuous enrollment for 4 quarters are considered current students. 

If it has been more than 4 quarters since a you have attended, please complete a new application

Open Registration 

Once registration opens to all, students are eligible to register at any time, either online or in person, after they complete their enrollment steps. If you have a question regarding your eligibility to register or student status, contact Enrollment Services at 425-388-9219. New students should follow the How to Apply steps.

Click below for guides:

How to pay Tuition/Fees and Payment Deadlines

Payment deadlines apply once you’ve registered. Check Important Dates to avoid missing a payment deadline and/or being dropped from classes. Please be aware that EvCC does NOT always drop students for non-payment. Failure to pay may result in a student being billed for their classes. Students receiving financial aid or other types of tuition assistance should refer to our Payment Policy.

For college-credit course questions, contact Enrollment Services. For most non-credit courses, questions may be directed to the Corporate and Continuing Education Center.

Click Below for guides:

Academic Calendar