Student Spotlight - Demri M. Lewis

What are you studying at EvCC?
Manufacturing Pre-Employment, Precision Machining and Composites

Why did you choose EvCC and your particular program of study?
I've loved the idea of manufacturing since I was 10 or 11 years old. Being able to make something useful out of something that isn't necessarily useful is just a beautiful thing. My grandfather taught me about precision machining, and I took precision machining classes during summer quarters at Sno Isle Tech (which were great; I took two). All throughout my time at Arts and Technology High School in Marysville, I spent at least one period in the shop class, and three of the years I took two periods of shop. I chose Everett Community College because I live around here and it’s easy to get here. There is nothing wrong with keeping your education local, because I learned everything I know here in my home, the Marysville and Everett area. So why not continue it here?

What is your favorite thing about the program that you’re in?
My favorite thing about the program I’m in are the instructors. When I started college I was told that I should expect to be very independent and I wouldn’t get much help from the instructors or teachers. But the instructors that I got helped me every step of the way. They proved traditional college life wrong.

Have any EvCC faculty or staff mentored you, or otherwise helped you to succeed in your program?
Julie Berger and Jason Speicher, the instructors of the manufacturing pre-employment program have helped me incredibly. The two of them not only taught me everything they needed to teach me, but they made it fun, which made it easy for me to learn. They would answer my questions and take me seriously even if it was a silly question.

What are your employment goals? Any prospects?
When I get employed, I want it to be somewhere I will stay happy and be able to move up and around the workplace to keep it interesting. At the rate I'm going, I don't see a problem finding this. In fact, I already have found a company that is like this and it is only a matter of applying.

Would you recommend EvCC to someone interested in precision machining and manufacturing?
Of course! If you want to go into the manufacturing field, this is a great place to start. They teach you everything you need to know, from the basics of safety to the intricacies of machining. It’d be perfect, especially as a place to start.

Anything you’d like to add?
I just realized the other day that I graduated high school and finished my first quarter of college, before I turned 18. Some words that have always inspired me are that you get out of things what you put in; and right now, I'm putting in all I've got.

Update from EvCC: Demri has already been recognized nationally for her success. In October 2015, the National Science Foundation honored her with an Advanced Technological Education Student Award for Excellence in Washington, D.C. She was chosen from student applicants throughout the country.