Student Spotlight - Sreynet Long

ESL BRIDGES TRIO student Sreynet Long

Tell me a little bit about yourself (name, where you’re from, what brought you to the U.S.)
My name's Sreynet Long, and I'm from Cambodia. I moved to U.S to be with my husband and to pursue a better life.

Why did you choose EvCC?
I chose EvCC because it's closer to my home. My English proficiency was very poor when I first moved to the U.S., so I made a decision to enroll in ESL classes

How did you get started with English Language Acquisition (ELA, ESL) classes?
My English proficiency was very poor when I first moved to the U.S., so I made a decision to enroll in .

What made the ESL classes effective for you?
I think that EvCC has many great ESL instructors who understand the struggles that many ESL students face. In addition, EvCC has great programs like
BRIDGES Center to help students overcome (those struggles).

ESL BRIDGES TRIO student Sreynet LongWhat have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a student at EvCC?
As a non-native speaker, critical thinking and writing are my biggest challenges.

How has the BRIDGES center helped overcome these challenges? Who has helped you?
Chayuda Overby (The Director of BRIDGES Center) always encourages me to come to her if I need help. She introduced me to Chan Beattie (Director, Volunteer Literacy Program) who helped me find amazing tutors to work with me one-on-one.

What kind of support did you get through the TRiO Student Support program?
Lisa Marone (Education & Employment Navigator) told me about TRiO program, where I met with an outstanding woman. Her name's Linda Summer (Faculty Advisor TRiO Student Support Services). Linda introduced me to Jack Shultz (Tutor-Mentor Coordinator), who creates PAX study groups for pre-nursing students.

Why did you choose EvCC's nursing program? 
I chose EvCC's nursing program based on its reputation, and it’s very close to home. I’ve heard that EvCC has one of the best nursing programs in Washington state. The instructors have been very supportive in helping their students succeed. In addition, EvCC has many resources to facilitate students succeed with their chosen fields.

Tell me about the study group you formed for the PAX exam (an entrance test for the nursing program)
Our PAX (Nursing Pre-Admission Examination) study group consist of three to four people, one who was our math tutor. We studied diligently from 8am-1:30pm, Monday through Friday. From Monday through Thursday we worked on science, physics and verbal sections at the Tutoring Center so that we could get the help we needed. On Friday we studied math or reviewed other sections as needed in the BRIDGES Center. In addition, I also studied at home after work by watching science or physics YouTube videos.

How has ESL, BRIDGES and TRiO helped you succeed as a student at EvCC?
With the ESL and the academic and emotional support from the BRIDGES and TRiO programs, I was able to propel myself into the nursing program. They have helped me find a career path, and they believe in me. TRiO program provided me with peer support when I was studying for the PAX. They continue to support me emotionally and academically. TRiO has always thrived to find the right resources for me throughout my nursing journey. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC?
Receiving an acceptance letter into the nursing program and graduating from nursing school were tremendous accomplishments in my life. I have never thought that I could do it because could barely speak English when I first moved to America. I am incredibly lucky and blessed to have such amazing support from EvCC staff who have helped me succeed.

Sreynet LongWhy did you become a nurse?
I love helping people, and it's important that I come to a job that I love doing daily. 

What degree did you earn?
An Associate in Applied Science - Transfer degree (AAS-T) in nursing.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?
Chayuda Overby, the director of BRIDGES Center, has provided me with tutors that I need throughout my nursing journey. She’s an amazing person and a very good role model who has done above and beyond to help and every student succeed. I couldn’t have done it without her help. 

How did your EvCC Foundation scholarship help you?
I knew that I wanted to be a nurse, but the I couldn’t afford to pay for the college tuition. I was hesitant to pursue my dream at first. Fortunately, I learned about EvCC Foundation scholarship through BRIDGES Center. In 2014, I applied for the scholarship and received a $2,000 award. I was extremely excited to start my nursing prerequisites without having to worry about my financial hardship. I was so lucky and blessed to receive the help from the Foundation throughout my nursing journey. The scholarship had motivated me to work extremely hard to honor my donors. I can’t thank the EvCC Foundation enough for helping my American Dream come true. 

What do you want your scholarship donor(s) to know?
I would like my donors to know that their contributions had made a major impact on my life. I wouldn’t be able started my nursing journey if it wasn’t for their generous donations. They also helped alter my family's prospective about the value of education, regardless of gender. I can use my education that I learn from nursing to help impact my patients and their family’s lives. I wanted to give back to my community just like my donors helped me. 

What advice do you have for new students, particularly those coming from other countries?
My advice to other students, especially ESL students, is to NOT GIVE UP. I took the PAX test four times to get into the nursing program. The best advices that I can give to students is ASK FOR HELP early if you’re struggling, whether English is your first or second language. Asking for help doesn’t indicate that you are not smart, but it shows people that you have the courage to say “I need help, and I’m willing to do all the work.”   

What do you plan to do next? 
I started my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing program at the University of Washington Bothell in Fall 2019. I am planning to work part-time as a registered nurse while attending the program.