Student Spotlight - Absyde Dacoscos

Absyde Dacoscos finds online learning convenient as she juggles school, a full time job, and being a mom to two young children.  As she works to complete her ATA in Early Childhood Education, she offers helpful tips to help students navigate online learning, “Your instructors will always be there for you! Do not hesitate to reach out to them via email.”

What advice do you have for students who are learning online for the first time? 

Minimize your distractions. My study setup is in the corner of the extra room/ loft area at home and away from the TV. I face the wall so nothing can distract me. I also leave my phone in another room most times. My phone can be really distracting, therefore I leave it elsewhere. As a full time employee, mom of two young ones, and doing school online full time, a daily planner has really helped me put my homework in order of importance and due date. 

Online learning takes a lot of focus. One needs to take initiative and constantly remind themselves of their end goal because becoming distracted is so incredibly easy. For me, during the quarter, I put sticky notes against my wall reminding myself of my goals and why I am doing this.  Allow yourself a break when you need it. Do not sit in front of the computer screen if you feel like you're about to throw the thing. Take a step away, take a step outside ,and get a fresh breath of air when you need it. Online learning takes a lot of self acknowledgment and understanding your needs and wants. You have to find a healthy balance. 

Also, I would take full advantage of the EVCC website to learn how to use and work canvas. It can be tricky in the beginning, so familiarizing yourself with it will help take away a lot of unneeded stress.  

Your instructors will always be there for you! Do not hesitate to reach out to them via email. But please make sure to read each  syllabus clearly so you understand when is the best time to contact them and when you can expect an answer back. 

What equipment (computer, etc.) do you have at home for online learning? 

I have a laptop, printer, books, work space, comfortable chair, notepads/ sticky pads, pens, paper, highlighters, white out and headphones. I personally listen to music to tone out everything so I can focus. 

Why did you choose EvCC? 

It’s very close to home and offers the online classes that I needed. Online is the best route for me. 

What are you studying?

I’m obtaining my ATA in Early Childhood Education, and then working on my DTA to go to a 4 year college.

What has been your favorite online class, and why? 

Honestly, probably the College Success class because it was a crash course of campus life and available resources such as how to use canvas. We were also able to do some self reflection. 

Anything else you want to add? 

You can do it! Anything is possible with the right mindset.