Student Spotlight - Aiden Luhr

Aiden Luhr chose EvCC when he was recruited to run track and field. He ran on a scholarship for both years he attended EvCC. It was also affordable compared to other schools that he was considering. Combining his love for sports with his passion for writing, Aiden is pursuing a career in sports journalism. With the experience of writing for EvCC's student newspaper, The Clipper, Aiden plans to transfer to Western Washington and get his bachelor’s in journalism.

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Aiden Luhr and I’m a 20-year-old student attending Everett Community College. 

Why did you choose Everett Community College? 

I chose EvCC because I got recruited to run track and field. I ran on a scholarship for both years at EvCC. It was also affordable compared to other schools that I was looking at, so that played a factor into my decision. 

What are your educational and career plans? 

My educational and career plans are to transfer to Western Washington and get my bachelor’s in journalism. I don’t know what I want to do after that, but there are a lot of opportunities I can pursue with a bachelor’s in journalism. I do want to write articles for sports or report on sports. 

How did you become involved with TRIO? 

I was notified by one of my friends who graduated from Everett last spring. He helped get TRIO on my radar. I eventually applied shortly after, and I’ve been a part of TRIO ever since. 

How did TRIO support your success?

They have helped me apply for classes and helped me figure out my schedule and what classes to take so I can be on track to graduate. In addition, TRIO has helped me stay on top of my classes and pushed me to do my best

A student stands in the classroom

What experiences did you have in TRiO that you will take with you when you transfer? 

I would say getting to know new people and participating in events like the Alvin Ailey dance performance.

What challenged and surprised you about college? 

Nothing has really surprised me about college so far. I think the most challenging part so far is staying on top of all my classes while working. 

Describe your best experience at EvCC. 

My best experience at EvCC would probably be all the opportunities I got to travel to different places. Whether it be for track or BSU (Black Student Union), I’ve gotten to go to new locations and meet new people. 

My greatest college memory so far is getting to meet different people and getting to know them.

How did you find your path for your chosen career or academic pathway? 

I chose my path (journalism) a long time ago. I’ve always had a passion for writing, and I'm a big fan of sports. So I've decided to combine the two and pursue a career in sports journalism.

What advice would you give to new students?

I would say to not be afraid to use the resources that are available to you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, there is no such thing as a bad question. Get involved in different activities like clubs. By doing that you’ll feel more connected to the community and build relationships.

How did receiving financial aid help you? 

It’s helped me with paying for school while in college. I received loans and scholarships. 

What advice do you have for students about applying for financial aid? 

To do it early and to do it with someone else, preferably your advisor, classmates, and parents. When the application for financial aid first opens to students, apply ASAP. The sooner you get it done, the better off you will be.