Student Spotlight - Anthony London

Anthony London is pursuing a bachelor's degree at the University of Washington and then plans to earn a master's and become a registered dietician. He credits EvCC nutrition instructor Laura Wild for developing his strong interest in nutrition and the EvCC Foundation scholarship for motivating him to do better. "There are so many instructors that I want to thank for helping me receive the education I needed for the future," he said. 

What did you study at EvCC?

I initially studied nursing, but then eventually changed majors to the nutrition Associate in Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement, pursuing that pathway at University of Washington-Seattle.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because it was close to home, easier to transit to, and most of all, it was easily affordable to enroll in.

How did your EvCC Foundation scholarship help you?

The EvCC Foundation scholarship helped me save money, relieved any financial burdens, and allowed me to continue to attend and focus on school instead of working.

What do you want your scholarship donor(s) to know?

I would like to thank them for allowing me to continue my education, and it has motivated me to do better in school.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

There are so many instructors that I want to thank for helping me receive the education I needed for the future. But I want to give a special thanks to Laura Wild, who helped me develop a strong interest in the field of nutrition and helped guide me as an advisor for my DTA.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

My advice for new EvCC students is to manage your time with your coursework. While college and its workload can be difficult, and, at most, stressful, don't try to prioritize your focus on one class over the rest nor procrastinate until the last minute. Figure out what coursework can be accomplished first and last, get help from your instructors if necessary, and make sure to take short breaks at a time. Additionally, find people that you can connect with. Whether it be a classmate, club member, or someone that happens to attend this school, it’ll help make the experience in EvCC less overwhelming one step at a time.

What do you plan to do next?

I transferred to UW-Seattle and am currently attending summer quarter. While there, I am planning to pursue my Bachelor's of Arts in Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health, graduating by Spring 2021 and pursuing my master's degree to become a registered dietitian.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

EvCC was a place where I met a large group of people that I eventually hung out with. I became close to them and made friends with some great people for the past two years. Just hanging out with them almost every day made my experience in the campus enjoyable and memorable.

Anything else you want to add?

Fun fact: A month after graduating from high school, I attended EvCC for 11 consecutive quarters from Summer 2016 to Winter 2019 with no breaks in between.