Student Spotlight - Bradley Althoff

EvCC graduate Bradley Althoff

What did you study at EvCC?

Elementary Education. I earned an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because I knew that I would get a quality education all while being close to home.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?

Diversity & Equity Center Program Manager Emma Ka'aha'aina. She is an honest and strong supervisor that was able to give me the tools needed to excel in and out of the workplace through a social justice lens.

What was your role in Student LIFE and what did you learn from that experience?

I was co-president of First Nations Club along with being a Student Senator. I learned how to be a better friend through the kindhearted people in First Nations Club. With the Student Senate, I learned how to combine the passions and dreams of myself and others to turn that into obtainable goals that can benefit the community.

Your work included supporting efforts to open the college's gathering space for Native American, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander students, huyadadaličəɬ. How do you think the space will benefit future EvCC students? 

EvCC graduate Bradley Althoff (left) celebrating the opening of the college's gathering space for Native American, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander students.I believe that huyadadaličəɬ will benefit future EvCC students by providing a space on campus that visually represents the Native American, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander culture, so anyone who is a part of those cultures can feel empowered and represented by the institution. The space provides resources for all students, such as computers that are used in the space, school supplies and even snacks. With this and everything else that the space offers, I feel that more students of color will complete their academic goals at EvCC.

Photo: Bradley Althoff (left) celebrates the opening of huyadadaličəɬ with Diversity & Equity Center Program Manager Emma Ka'aha'aina and Rafael Alverez.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

My advice for any new students is to identify what you enjoy and find a community of like-minded people on campus to create a positive support system on campus to help not just yourself, but others as well.

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

I am currently attending Western Governors University in the Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education program. I intend to be an elementary school teacher for students in our area.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

The best experience I had on campus was becoming the Student Diversity and Equity Coordinator. In that position I was able to interact with both students and staff in working towards an equitable environment for everyone on campus. I was learning from the day I started till the day I stopped working for the Diversity and Equity Center. I appreciate the professional and passionate people I worked with in the whole Equity and Social Justice Division; they are all role models.

Anything else you want to add?

Thank you EvCC for giving me this experience, I will remember and utilize the skills learned throughout my life.