Student Spotlight - Cassidy Clausnitzer

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I have attended several colleges in the past--I have attended a community college and an online college. I was seeing a lot of EvCC advertisements on YouTube and Facebook. I then looked into it. I saw tours conducted by Student Life online, and it became clear that this was a community that I wanted to be a part of. Monroe is home to me so it was nice to attend school in my hometown (at EvCC's East County Campus). I also appreciated the smaller classes that East County offers. Smaller class sizes provide an opportunity to connect with faculty and peers. 

What advice do you have for students who are learning online for the first time?

I would tell students to log into Canvas to keep track of your classes every single day. When you’re taking multiple classes, it can be easy to miss things. Canvas allows you to stay on top of deadlines and assignments. Time management is important as well. I like to schedule things so I use a white board calendar to remind me of when I have classes, when to log onto Zoom and class due dates. Connecting with classmates is important as well, so participate in discussion board posts. 

What equipment (computer, etc.) do you have at home for online learning? 

I have a whiteboard to keep track of assignments. I also have a personal laptop, a planner, and a binder to organize all of my assignments.

What has been your favorite class, and why? 

This is only my second quarter at Everett Community College, but I am currently taking English 102 (Monroe) with Cobi Seslar. Cobi is a very hands-on and involved teacher who really cares about her student’s learning. She provides a lot of online materials that help us learn like TedTalks, and we also use the online discussion board to engage with one another. I took Cobi’s English 101 (Monroe) course during the winter quarter and really enjoyed it. She is actually the reason why I am now pursuing a Global Studies degree.

What is your most memorable EvCC East County Campus memory?

I really appreciate the Chill Spot. It’s a spot right outside of the classrooms, and I go there in between classes to study and connect with classmates. In English 101, we did a lot of group work and practiced our presentations in the Chill Spot. There were also a lot of Student Life events here, like the “Donut Stress” event; we had donuts and coffee to help us as we prepare for final exams. 

What are your future career goals? Why did you choose this career?

I started off pursuing a general business degree, but I am now switching my degree to Global studies. I want to work in a field that I am passionate about, and I care about issues of sustainability and making the world a better place. It’s also a field that allows me to work in different fields -- everything from business to natural disaster relief. I needed a degree that would provide me some hands-on learning opportunities.