Student Spotlight - Danya Allsh

Danya Allsh, EvCC graduate on the left.
Danya Allsh started attending EvCC while in high school through Running Start. She followed in her brother’s footsteps and continued at EvCC, becoming a Student LIFE ambassador. That was “one of the greatest experiences I had while attending EvCC,” she said. “I was able to branch out, make many lifelong friends, and take part in college events & activities!” She encourages new students to get involved in order to build a strong support system.

Tell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

I attended Everett Community College for two years, and I was a part of Student LIFE as an Ambassador. I am currently completing my DTA in business. My long-term goal is to achieve a bachelor's in accounting.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because of my brother's influence on me. He was a recent EvCC graduate and Student LIFE ambassador. He encouraged me to enroll in the Running Start program at EvCC. It was close to home and offered the variety of courses I would need to earn my associate degree.

What do you plan to do next?

I plan to start an internship while completing my accounting bachelor's degree at a university.

What interested you about your area of study?

After attending the introductory class here at the EvCC, I became interested in accounting. I liked how the material was structured and the manner in which numbers were utilized. Accountants are held responsible for analyzing and solving a variety of financial affairs to help make important business decisions. Due to how important this work is, there is a high demand for it, which ensures job security and stability.

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

The skills at EvCC have helped me reach my goals by building my interpersonal relationship skills and creating a work ethic that I am proud of.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

Being a part of the community and family that was created thanks to the Student Ambassador program was one of the greatest experiences I had while attending EvCC. I was able to branch out, make many lifelong friends, and take part in college events & activities!

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

Many people helped me navigate EvCC, and my brother is one of them. He helped me get settled in and get to know the amazing resources that were around me, the Tutoring Center being one of them. Like him, I aspired to be an Ambassador, and it was there that I had the pleasure of meeting Kaleb Ode and Asraa Jaber, Student LIFE advisors. Both have contributed to my success at EvCC by providing me with the support, assurance, and direction I needed to succeed as an EvCC student. Another person I am really grateful for is Laura Little. She is an excellent tutor here at EvCC, and it was all thanks to her that I was able to do well in all my accounting classes.

What advice do you have for new students?

My advice for new students is to be involved with the school! Never hesitate to ask what services are offered especially when you are near the offices. At EvCC, there are many incredible resources accessible, and the more you know, the more assistance you may receive to get closer to your goal. The Student Ambassador program is a fantastic opportunity for students to take part in all the clubs, activities, and/or events hosted by EvCC.