Student Spotlight - Ella Jonason

What motivated you to go to college?

During yet another work source class after I found myself needing yet another job and yet another place to live (since 2011), I heard about Eduployment. It’s a program through Housing Hope partnered with Everett Community College designed to get low-income struggling people, like myself, a certificate and into a job such as a housing manager. I applied immediately.

Prior to the program we were required to take a life skills class with Penny Robbins called Solid Foundations. The class is designed to get you out of your own way and help you become successful. It literally changed my life. With that class and the support of EvCC and Housing Hope staff I realized I’m a good designer and I gained the confidence to pursue my passion. 

I started by completing the Housing Hope Eduployment program and received my certificate. Then with the support from work first education funding I obtained my Business Administration ATA degree with a 3.9 GPA. The people in the Business Department are really supportive, especially Juergen Knifel, who was my advisor and helped me to transition to my next goal, to get my Graphic Design AFA

After pairing with Robert Lake and Chris Larsen in the Graphic Design Department I will also be receiving my AFA this spring as well, with a 3.8 GPA (if I can keep my A average for this last quarter). That’s two degrees in three years. A feat I really never thought I would reach. 

Why are you studying at EvCC? What do you plan to do next? 

I didn’t have a choice on what school the program was offered at, but I’m glad it was EvCC, as it’s a school that many members of my family have attended, and where my parents met in 1980. 

As for what comes next, I’m still trying to figure out the order of. I plan to work at a magazine or other publisher. I also plan to apply and attend a four-year college and obtain my BFA. In ten years, I will be working remotely as a graphic designer, either for myself or another design company. I also plan to open my own photography studio as a side business, focusing on boudoir photography.

Tell us more about your work with EvCC's Vibrations Magazine?

I started out as assistant art director but I have done most the art direction work, and the art director played more of a project manager role. I created the look and feel of the publication this year, and designed the page layout and the supporting pages: intro, contents, etc. I choose my assistant Art director, Carly Hay to do the cover and its going to be really great this year. We had trouble getting new submissions so we decided to do a 10 year retrospective and we're focusing on presenting the very best work so the work matches the ascetic of the magazine. We want it classy like a high end new york art gallery publication. This is the first year vibrations has had to work 100% remotely and its really interesting. I can't wait to show the magazine to potential employers. 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person(s) do to help you?

Stephanie Doyle was very helpful, answering any questions we had and directing us on what to do to get us where we want. Juergen Knifel was the most amazing, kind, understanding and supportive advisor anyone in my position could ask for. Robert Lake is the most straight forward no-nonsense, kind, but honest instructor. He’s truly made me a better designer and reinforced my goals by ensuring me I am a good designer. Chris Larsen also supports my dreams: they are so terrifying sometimes I want to give up, he keeps me working toward them. As someone great once said: If your dreams don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough. Greg Kammer pushed my limits and made me better too. All the people here push me, and support me, and keep me working hard to achieve my true potential.  Thank you EvCC for providing such an encouraging learning environment.

 What advice do you have for students who are learning online for the first time? 

 You have to have a strict routine. Time management is one of the most valuable skills anyone possesses. Learn habits that lead to that, such as making lists, and keeping a planner. 

Broader Advice:  You probably have the recorded voices of everyone who’s ever told you, you weren’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough or creative enough playing over and over in your head. Stop the playback and remember you know you are more. Listen to your GUT instead and try for something you really want, not something you think you need to be happy. 

What equipment do you have at home for online learning?

Thankfully, I do have an all in one computer I picked up a few years ago that still works well. Without it though, I’d be fine. The school has laptop’s available, and none of my classes require me to print anything. Adobe CC is also being offered for free right now, so I’m totally set up regardless. EvCC has really come through for students during Covid-19 Quarantine. 

What has been your favorite online class, and why? 

Right now, I’m taking Natural Science 103 Sustainability & Systems. Spring Petta has the class so organized and interactive that it’s almost easy. The class itself is very hard both in content and emotionally, as the subject matter is shocking. However, the organization of it keeps it easy to clearly understand what's expected and what’s coming next. Her library resource page is also really perfect for online learning and research! I highly suggest taking this class, it should be required for all students.