Student Spotlight - Hannah Walstad Kramer

Hannah KramerTell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

I have lived in Washington state most of my life, with a few stints elsewhere (Montana, Idaho, and Alaska). I am married to an amazing man (my high school sweetheart), and have a golden doodle named Ezra. I love to swim, read, write, and create music. I earned an Associates in Arts & Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) in psychology from EvCC. 

Why did you choose EvCC?

I am 25 years old, and returned to EvCC after feeling burnt out in my career at 23. I was 17 when I attended Pima Medical Institute in Seattle for veterinary medicine, and I worked as a technician in that field for almost 7 years. One day, I applied to EvCC on a whim. I was accepted before my husband even knew I had applied! It worked out that I could start a few weeks following. I quit my job, and now here I am - graduated! Funny how life works sometimes. 

What do you plan to do next?

I start at WSU Global in August! I am double-majoring in Psychology and English. I have a goal of becoming a clinical psychologist, but I love to write. I have a few job opportunities to work in addiction recovery that I hope to begin in the fall! 
What interested you about your area of study?
My mother suffered from a substance abuse disorder that took her life this last year. Having witnessed the many areas where clinical help and inpatient centers failed her, I was fueled with the desire to see a change. Pursuing psychology gives me the opportunity to do for others that which couldn’t be done for my Mom. 

Anna Jipson, Narjis Alshatee, Hannah Walstad Kramer, Hiba AlshateeHow do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

I learned that I can do hard things! I was blessed to work hard and pay for my education, so I currently have no school debt. I learned how to study, and make things happen for myself so that I could graduate with a 4.0 GPA across all quarters. All skills that are necessary for the workplace! 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

For my entire time at EvCC, I worked with the Student LIFE office as a part of the ASB Executive Council. This experience truly enriched my life! I met amazing people and had experiences I never could have otherwise, including meeting with State legislators and networking in Washington, D.C. Without my advisors and coworkers, my time at EvCC would have been significantly less bright. 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

There are three people that come to mind here: Allison Werling of TRiO, Justyce Wright, and Jenn Rhodes (both of whom hail from Student LIFE). Allison has been my advisor since the beginning! She has been helpful, kind, and was the one who suggested the school I am attending next. I couldn’t have done it, or graduated in the two years, without her help. Justyce and Jenn were my advisors and supervisors when I worked in Student LIFE. They taught me invaluable skills about professionalism, and standing up for what’s right. I will forever be grateful for their examples. And of course, my coworkers and fellow students. They know who they are, some of whom have become lifelong friends! 

Hannah Kramer speaking at CommencementWhat advice do you have for new students? 

Use your campus resources! Don’t go through your studies without enriching your experience by being involved with the campus. You need financial help or advising? See if you qualify for TRiO. You want to work with students and a great staff, go apply for an ambassador position with Student LIFE or join the Student Senate. Join a club, start one yourself. Be involved, and see how much more meaningful your education becomes. And above all, you can do this. You are smart, capable, and can accomplish your goals. Never stop believing in who you are! 

How did TRiO Student Support Services help you? 

My advisor came from the TRiO department. I couldn’t have done it without her, truly! 

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I will forever be grateful for my experience at EvCC. No matter where your education starts or goes, what matters is that it happened! EvCC will always be a part of my life.