Student Spotlight - Jamira Barnes

EvCC graduate Jamira Barnes in her graduation cap and gown displaying her decorated cap that shows she will be a future nurse

Student athlete Jamira Barnes chose EvCC when she was offered a scholarship to run track for the college. “I wanted to continue my track career,” Barnes said, “and I believed in my coaches and the athletic department to help me develop into a better athlete.” Having earned an Associate’s degree in Arts and Sciences, Jamira plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. 

Tell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC. 

My name is Jamira Barnes and I am a student athlete who just received her Associate's degree in arts and sciences.

EvCC graduate Jamira Barnes wearing her graduation capWhy did you choose EvCC?

I chose Everett because I was offered a track scholarship here. I wanted to continue my track career, and I believed in my coaches and the athletic department to help me develop into a better athlete.

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you? 

My former classmates helped me push myself and succeed in all of my classes. Because of the support and help of my classmates, I am ending the year with a 4.0 term gpa.

What do you plan to do next?

Although I am ending my track career at EvCC, I plan on continuing my education at a four-year university. Despite the fact that I received a degree in arts and sciences, I am preparing to get my bachelor's degree in nursing.

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

I have taken many of my prerequisites at EvCC, and the teachers here have helped me pursue my goals. I have learned to manage my time better, I am more open to raising my hand and asking a question in class, and I have learned different techniques to help me learn better.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

Outside of track, some of my favorite experiences are staying after class with all of my colleagues to study. This allowed us to create a special bond with each other inside and outside of school.

Jamira Barnes with friends Aiden Luhr and Layanah Brewer in graduation caps and gowns