Student Spotlight - Jiahna Chapman

Jiahna Chapman (center) with classmates Lilyan Bek (right) and Hollee Seaward (center) at EvCC's 2022 commencement ceremony

At the age of 27 Jiahna Chapman decided to return to college to begin working toward a Bachelor’s degree. She began that journey at EvCC. “It seemed so daunting at the time of enrollment,” Chapman said. “Four years sounded like a lifetime. Now that I'm two years in, I can honestly say it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life.” Armed with a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) from EvCC, Chapman enrolled at WSU Global to study Integrated Strategic Communications to finish what she started. “It's never too late to start something that will put you into a career that you love and make new friends along the way.”

Everett Community College graduate Jiahna ChapmanWhat did you study at EvCC? 

Integrated Strategic Communications w/ DTA to Washington State University

Why did you choose EvCC?

The Program was #1 on my list, second was tied for Location and Affordability, 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?

Andy Wahl was my advisor and also a very helpful asset throughout my EvCC career. I also made invaluable friendships that helped me succeed as well. 

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

Plan your classes well, try not to take conflicting studies at the same time (my mistake was philosophy and psychology at the same time, yikes!) and remember to always ask for help when you need it - there's no shame in asking for help.

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

I am enrolled at WSU Global to complete my next 2 years (Bachelor's Degree) in Integrated Strategic Communications. I previously studied Fashion Design at the Art Institute and am hoping to combine my knowledge of both industries into a future career. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

Graduation - it was a moment of excitement and friendship like I've never experienced before, cheering for my fellow classmates and now lifelong friends was a memory for the books.

Anything else you want to add?

As a returning adult at the age of 27, I was beyond nervous to start a 4-year degree. It seemed so daunting and at the time of enrollment, four years sounded like a lifetime. Now that I'm two years in, I can honestly say it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. The knowledge I have gained and the relationships I made are priceless and I can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't made this leap of faith in myself. If you're worried about being too old to start your journey, you're wrong. It's never too late to start something that will put you into a career that you love and make new friends along the way.