Student Spotlight - Kai Decker

Kai DeckerTell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

The degree that I chose to fulfill was an Associate in Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement. I chose that degree because it was a versatile degree; I could put credits toward a bachelor's degree.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose to attend EvCC as part of the Running Start program. The Running Start program allowed me to access college-level curriculum while in high school, obtaining both a high school diploma and an AAS degree at the same time.

What do you plan to do next?

I aspire to be a doctoral researcher in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI). I plan to attend the University of California, Irvine, to earn a Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) degree.

What interested you about your area of study?

CSE has always interested me because I grew up programming with my grandpa over the years, learning programming from EvCC and textbooks I purchased. Eventually, I picked up a few enjoyable textbooks on electrical engineering, which led me to the interdisciplinary degree. 

Kai Decker stands in front of red Honors at Everett bannerHow do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

During my time at EvCC, I learned to work with professors, manage my time, and work collaboratively, all of which I think are aiding me in my educational goals. I chose to join the EvCC Honors Program as a way of challenging myself; this experience has allowed me to understand how to formulate research articles and conduct small-scale research.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

My best experience was working in the Honors Program. This long process was extremely rewarding to look back on the work and experience I had. During this time, I got to know my professors a little bit better and engaged in the college curriculum, something that wasn't easily accessible without the program. Engaging in the curriculum, I was able to research and learn new material in class under the supervision of professors. 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

My mother, during my education, has helped me to succeed. She has helped me to manage a life and work balance and refocus my energy in productive ways.

What advice do you have for new students?

I want to say to new students that although the thought of higher education can be intimidating, know that the professors and faculty of the school are here to help you succeed and grow as a student. Also, know that the most important part of maintaining a good grade is time management and using the resources around you, such as the Writing Center and Tutoring Center at EvCC. If you (a student) have a question, know it never hurts to ask. 

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

I would like to add that I have loved my time at EvCC. Without professors like Diane Brown and Corey Kline, my time at EvCC wouldn't have been the same. Both of them encouraged me to triumph and grow as a student.