Student Spotlight - Martha "Marty" Delaine

Martha "Marty" Delaine

What did you study at EvCC? 
Degree: ATA in Business Technology

Why did you choose EvCC? 
After 25 years in the same company and in my 50s, I was in a total rut and was desperate to do something different. Fortunately, the company that I work for, the Tulalip Resort Casino, offered free college classes at EvCC.

Marty Delaine and her family.Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (Faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?
To the staff members that were with me the most throughout my journey: Jayne Joyner, Kathryn Willestoft, Michael Chapman, Yelena Solop, Pamela Desmond, Stephanie Doyle, and James Ramirez – my eternal thanks and gratitude for your patience when I wanted to tear my hair out and throw the computer out the window, cheering me on when I was tired, and finally celebrating each victory and believing in me.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?
No matter what your background or struggle, there is ALWAYS a plan or an answer to your success. You just have to search for it and want it. And know this: you ARE worth it!

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)
My plan was to get a new job and career in my field of study. The day after I graduated, a new position opened in my company and I got the job!