Student Spotlight - Megan Macias

Megan Macias next to fellow graduate Suneha Kumar at commencement.

Pathway: Social Science, Education, and Public Safety

Social Science, Education and Public Safety Pathway Icon

Megan Macias is a first generation Everett Community College alum who graduated with an associate degree in Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in Spring 2023. Being the mother of a young son, her journey to getting a degree had its challenges, but support from EvCC’s staff such as Student LIFE’s team helped her achieve her goals. “Through this, I learned that if you have a solid community of support, anything is possible,” stated Megan, who is planning to transfer to Western Washington University’s Human Services program. She plans to use the skills she acquired from EvCC to become involved in political advocacy and instruction.

Tell us a bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

I'm Megan! I am a first generation high school and college graduate. I not only graduated from the HS 21 plus program, but also with an associate degree in Diversity, Equity and Social Justice. I'm invested in helping people and bringing understanding to our world, and I am a firm believer that compassion goes a long way. I am a native to Washington state, I love animals, hiking, and spending quality time with my family. I love being a boy mom!

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC at first for its accessibility during the COVID 19 pandemic. I was laid off from employment and decided it was time to get my high school diploma. I fell in love with EvCC's atmosphere and decided to pursue an associates on campus! I was able to build a community at EvCC, which is also why it makes it so difficult to move on. The support from staff, faculty and my peers pushed me to do my very best. 

What do you plan to do next?

I plan to transfer to Western Washington's Human Services program, with the thought to become involved in political advocacy or even long term, to become an instructor.

What interested you about your area of study?

I've always been passionate about understanding others and their experiences. What interests me about the DESJ pathway is understanding that institutional and systemic oppression is very real to everyone in their own ways. It challenges students to think critically about truth in society. I think that if more people understood the history behind the "why" of society, they would move with a more fluid conception about our differences.

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

EvCC taught me that our efforts may not always produce our expectations, but what is meant for us will come. Failure is a learning curve that many are afraid of, and as a mother to a young child, working on my educational goals has been challenging. Through this, I learned that if you have a solid community of support, anything is possible. Overall, EvCC taught me self respect, discipline and grace for who I truly am. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

The best experience was being provided the opportunity to meet new people everyday! Working as a Student LIFE Ambassador and the Student LIFE Ambassador Manager contributed to me being able to teach others about the campus and help direct them to their goals in life and their education. 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you? 

There are so many! Kesia Ceniceros from TRiO helped in leading me to my pathway. The Student LIFE Advisors; Kaleb Ode, Justyce Wright, Christine Vasquez, Lindsay Hudson and Jenn Rhodes each contribute to their passion for student success. I wouldn't be here without them! Finally, my academic and capstone advisor Shelli Jordan-Zirkle pushed me to be my truest and best self till the end. Thank you all!

What advice do you have for new students?

It's okay to be lost when you begin your educational goals! Many believe they need to know what direction they are taking, and this may be true for some but not all. Your goals can change in the college experience, and having the ability to "find" your calling is a great experience. As long as everything you do, you learn from, you will succeed.   

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

Thank you to my peers, my advisors, and those who I can keep in my corner for always helping me navigate my future. Without the community at EvCC I may not have completed my goals to get me to where I am today.