Student Spotlight - Ruth Bas

Ruth Bas

Ruth Bas was able to finish her program in Nursing with the help of an EvCC Foundation scholarship and encouragement by her instructor, Gail McLean. "She believed in me more than I believed in myself," said Ruth. "In my last quarter, she really supported my dreams and consistently reminded me that I will be a great nurse one day."

What did you study at EvCC?

I studied Nursing.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

It’s close to home, it’s so much more affordable and the nursing program here is one of the best in the state.

How did your EvCC Foundation scholarship help you?

This scholarship allowed me to focus on schooling. Nursing school is tough, especially the first year. It’s very time-consuming and very stressful and the money that the scholarship provided helped me work less hours, and be able to spend more time studying and have leftover time to spend on relationships that matter to me. Without this money, I would not be as seen or have done as well in school as I have.

What do you want your scholarship donor(s) to know? 

I wish I could elaborately explain my gratitude for investing in Everett Community College students. Most of us work hard to make ends meet and your contributions go a much longer ways than you could ever imagine! Thank you for all you do

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

Gail McLean. She believed in me more than I believed in myself. In my first quarter of nursing school she helped me piece my life together after a series of tragic events that took place in my life. She went above and beyond to get me to catch up and to have the necessary resources to succeed in nursing school. In my last quarter of nursing school, she really supported my dreams and consistently reminded me that I will be a great nurse one day. And unlike other people, her reminder was truly genuine. I believed It!

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?  

Apply for the foundation scholarship! Also, reach out to those that you’re doing school with. So often, you’ll find that you have a lot more in common with people than you ever expected! Even if this person comes from a different gender or a different race or a different social status or something else. There is so much in common between you and another person sitting in the same classroom. There’s nothing more valuable than the human relationships  during your journey at Everett community college.

What do you plan to do next?

I transferred to the University of Washington to finish my bachelors degree in nursing.  I begin in the fall. I also plan to begin working as a nurse as soon as I can land a job

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC: 

I think my favorite experience was the photography class I took. It was such an amazing creative outlet! And also, the community of photography majors were really encouraging and always willing to give tips and tricks, and to take one more look at your picture. It was so refreshing!