Student Spotlight - Ryan Cade

What did you study at EvCC?

I graduated with both an Associates in Fine Arts in Photography and a Direct Transfer degree.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I started attending EvCC because it offered Running Start, which allowed me to complete two years of college almost for free while still in high school. I chose to return for an additional year because EvCC offers a degree in photography, which I discovered is my main passion.

 Who helped you succeed at EvCC?

Everyone involved in the arts department at EvCC has helped me at some point, although I feel I owe my success to my photography instructors Nancy Jones and Ellen Felsenthal. They pushed me to take my art to the next level and they inspired me when I felt certain I was going to give up. Nancy and Ellen have always been there for me not only as a student, but also as a person. I probably would not have graduated without their guidance and support throughout this journey. 

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

Get involved. It’ll change your entire experience. My first two years at EvCC were completely unmemorable because I kept to myself and only focused on classes.  This past year is one I’ll never forget because I’ve made lifelong friends through joining clubs and becoming close with the other students in my major.

What do you plan to do next?

I will be transferring to the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon to complete my Bachelor’s in photography.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

The best experience I had at EvCC was during graduation, surrounded by my classmates. It was a completely surreal moment just before we were called onstage where it hit us all at once.  We had to take a step back and say, “Wow, this is it. Three years of work led up to this. It was all worth it.” I was overwhelmed with pride in what we’d accomplished, both as a group and as individuals. That day is one of my favorite memories. 

Anything else you want to add?

Community colleges tend to get a bad reputation, but the quality of EvCC’s education is stellar. I believe that it’s the devotion of the instructors that makes a difference in a school’s success and EvCC has some of the greatest instructors I’ve ever known. The small class sizes also allow you to receive more personalized instruction and to form closer bonds with your peers and professors.