Student Activities

Sumi-e Master Demonstration & Workshop

Sumi Painting Demonstration
1-1:30pm @ WHI, Critique Space
FREE - Open to Everyone!

Sumi Painting Workshop
1:45-2:45pm @ WHI 361
FREE - Limited to 30 People*
*Registration Required

Students' Guide to Succeeding at EvCC

Do you feel that you are not doing as well in your classes as you'd like? 

Do you want to learn some strategies to help you succeed? Come by Jackson Auditorium on March 11th from 12:30-1:30 pm for a presentation by a student leader, Bradley Althoff, on ways to be successful while at EvCC through engagement in the campus community along with the resources intended to help students succeed. 

Asian Fusion "Fuel for Finals" Community Dinner

Community Kitchen Club invites you to cook and eat Asian Fusion dishes and meet new people at the Fuel for Finals Community Dinner! $5 per person to cover cost of ingredients. Vegetarian & Vegan options will be available. Come with friends, leave with leftovers!
