Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must receive a minimum quarterly grade point average of 2.0 to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Students must also satisfy any additional grade point requirements specified in the curriculum guide for the degree being sought.


Students who fall below minimum academic standards will be notified by a letter emailed to their preferred email address. 

  1. First Warning - Academic Alert: Students whose quarterly grade point average (GPA) drops below 2.0 for the first time are placed on Academic Alert.
    1. Students are sent an email that encourages them to make an appointment to meet with an Everett Community College (EvCC) counselor to develop success strategies and investigate various campus resources that may be of assistance.
  2. Second Warning - Academic Warning: Students whose quarterly GPA drops below 2.0 for two consecutive quarters are placed on Academic Warning.
    1. Students are notified via email that an Academic Counseling Hold has been placed on their account.
    2. In order to register or change courses, students must meet with an EvCC counselor for approval of their registration plan.
    3. The Academic Counseling Hold will remain on students' accounts until a current quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher is posted on their EvCC transcript.
  3. Third Warning - Academic Probation: Students whose quarterly GPA drops below 2.0 for three consecutive quarters are placed on Academic Probation.
    1. Students are notified via email that an Academic Counseling Hold has been placed on their account.
    2. In order to register or change courses, students must meet with an EvCC counselor for approval of their registration plan.
    3. The Academic Counseling Hold will remain on students’ accounts until a current quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher is posted on their EvCC transcript.
  4. Fourth Warning - Academic Dismissal: Students whose quarterly GPA drops below 2.0 for four consecutive quarters are dismissed from EvCC for four consecutive quarters.
    1. Students are notified via email of the terms of their dismissal.  They are also informed about the process and the form to use if they want to submit a Readmission Appeal.
  5. Return process after Academic Dismissal:
    1. Within a year following dismissal: Students will need to complete and submit the Readmission Appeal form.
    2. After one year and up to four years following dismissal: Students will need to complete and submit the Readmission Appeal form.
    3. After four years following dismissal: Students should notify Counseling & Student Success of their interest in returning. The hold will be removed from the student's account and they will start from the beginning of the SAP policy during their first quarter of return.
  6. Readmission Appeal: Based on the timeline of dismissal, above, students may choose to complete and submit the Readmission Appeal form.
    1. Readmission Appeal forms are due six weeks before the quarter students would like to return.
      1. Look up the deadline dates on our Important Dates and Registration Calendar
    2. The Readmission Committee will review the Readmission Appeal forms and make a decision to approve or deny appeals.   Letters with the committee’s decision and information about next steps will be emailed to students.  This process can take two weeks or longer to complete.
      1. Students whose Readmission Appeal is approved, must meet with an EvCC counselor for approval of their registration plan.
      2. Students whose Readmission Appeal is approved will need to earn a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the first quarter following their return in order to continue enrollment.  If they receive a quarterly GPA below 2.0 in the quarter following their return, they will be dismissed for an additional four consecutive quarters.
      3. Students whose Readmission Appeal is denied may appeal this decision to the Vice President of Instruction.

Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward completion of their educational program. Receiving grades of I, V, W, and U in courses attempted will lead to a review of students’ academic records and may result in an Academic Alert, Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Academic Dismissal.

Students who are enrolled in special enrollment programs such as Running Start as well as international students, veterans, and students receiving financial aid may have different and/or additional academic standard requirements and appeal processes.

Specific guidelines for academic warning, probation, and dismissal process are available from the Counseling & Student Success.

Various resources of the College such as counseling and tutoring services are available to assist students in meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.