Business Technology Program Outcomes

All professional-technical programs prepare students to be job ready, technically excellent, culturally literate, ethically grounded, future oriented, and skilled in collaboration in accordance with Everett Community College core themes.

The Business Technology Department supports EvCC's college-wide Core Learning Outcomes in addition to the following program-specific outcomes.

Business Technology Program Outcomes

  1. Anticipate and actively explore innovative solutions to technological and organizational challenges.
  2. Demonstrate critical thinking, analytical, and quantitative skills in making decisions and completing tasks and projects both independently and as a dependable team member.
  3. Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication using the principles of clear thinking, awareness of audience, appropriate conventions of format, structure, and language.
  4. Work ethically, integrating law, company rules and policies, and individual decision-making to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse world in which we live.
  5. Use computers to input, manage, and interpret information and to solve business problems in a variety of situations.
  6. Demonstrate safe work habits that reflect concern and care for self and an understanding of social, economic, and environmental systems in the context of sustainability.
  7. Develop the skills and experience necessary to secure employment, including development of documents and skills necessary for job search.