Student Spotlight - Hilda Pacheco

EvCC student Hilda Pacheco
What are you studying at EvCC?

I am currently studying civil engineering.

Why did you choose engineering?
I chose engineering because it’s a combination of all my interests.

How did you get involved in EvCC's STEM Bridge program? 
I was first introduced to this program through my physics teacher in high school. I figured I liked math and physics, and was already interested in engineering. This program fit me perfectly.

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC?  What did that person do to help you?
Since the beginning, Stem Bridge program coordinator Kristine Washburn has introduced me to the many opportunities EvCC has to offer. Because of the STEM Bridge program, I found out what an engineer actually does. I knew then that I wanted to become an engineer.

How did STEM Bridge help you?
STEM Bridge opened doors for my career. It was the beginning of my career because this program helped me realize that as a Hispanic woman, I could be an engineer. This program showed me the many opportunities that this field has to offer.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students? 
My advice to new students is to not doubt the many opportunities a community college can give you, especially EvCC.

What do you plan to do next?
I plan to finish my associate degree at EvCC, and hopefully transfer to a four-year university such as the University of Washington.