Student Spotlight - Sean Nichols

Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you chose EvCC
I was an electrician for 20 years. I am getting retrained from getting hurt at work.

What are you studying here at EvCC?
I am studying Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics

Why did you choose EvCC and your particular program of study?
I saw that EVCC is a great school for Aerospace and Manufacturing. Plus it is very close to my house. I went into Precision Machining because it actually interested me and then, after I was in the program for a while, they started the Mechatronics program.

What is your favorite thing about the program you are in?
I love all of the hand's on training. It is easier for me to learn by doing it. All of the teachers are great.

Can you describe any of the projects that you have worked on while at AMTEC?
I helped with AeroSpace, we built a UAV. I helped do all the MasterCam tooling paths for the CNC Router. I helped by making the molds for the winds Left, Right, top, and bottom. I also did the Fuselage molds. I helped the team with the composite lay ups for all the parts. The UAV was made to inspect oil pipelines. Our team came in First place. We had the best performing UAV go TEAM VIPER!

Have any EvCC faculty or staff mentored you, or otherwise helped you to succeed in your program?
The Staff at AMTEC is always supportive. Kevin Soderlund, the machining instructor, has helped me tremendously. And Annette Floyd, the adviser, has helped advise me on what classes to take and how to progress through the program. Also, Laura Baker, the Employment Solutions Manager, has helped me with my resumé and applying for jobs.

What are your employment goals? Any prospects?
After I finish the program I’m hoping for long term employment at a job I’ll be happy with and that I can use all the skills I’ve learned at EvCC. So far I’ve applied to five jobs and handed out six resumés at the job fair last week.

UPDATE: Shortly after this interview Sean was offered and accepted a job at Advantage Manufacturing Technologies in Monroe as an Industrial Machine Maintenance Technician. Out of his interviews at five or six different companies, AMT was his top choice for companies.