Student Spotlight - Kyla Ruse

Kyla RuseWhy did you choose EvCC? 
I chose EvCC because it was close to home. I wasn't sure what I wanted to study when I graduated high school and I was already doing Running Start there, so I stayed. I'm very glad I did. 

What program did you study? 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? 
Karen Gabrielsen helped me tremendously throughout my education at EvCC. She was my nutrition and sports nutrition professor. She was an amazing professor and was always there to answer any questions I had. After my first nutrition class she really became a mentor to me and helped me find a job shadow with a registered dietician. She has wrote me references letters, helped me with my resume, and helped me out when choosing a school to transfer to. Without Karen I truly do not think I would be pursing a career as a dietician. She truly inspired me and continues to be a great mentor and inspiration. 

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?
My advice is to not be afraid to ask questions and ask for help. Everyone wants to help you succeed, so don't be afraid to ask.

What do you plan to do next?
I am transferring to UW Seattle in the fall where I will pursue a bachelor's of science in public health. I then will move on to my master's of science in nutrition! 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.
The best experience I've ever had at EvCC was the graduation ceremony. It felt so great to know that I made it through my first two years of college. The speakers were all amazing and it was really rewarding to be recognized for my hard work. Getting a degree isn't easy, so it was awesome to celebrate that achievement. 

How did the TRiO program help you?
The TRiO program helped me in so many ways. They found me tutors when I needed them, took me to tour colleges (for free), offered free workshops on all of the important topics (money, resume building, and much more), and the program offered an amazing support system. Linda Summers was my advisor and I couldn't have graduated without her. She answered all of my questions, and when she didn't know the answer she helped me find it. She helped me pick out classes, explore my transfer options, and celebrate my achievements along the way. She has wrote me recommendation letters and been there for me when I came into her office crying. I really appreciate everything Linda has done for me and I will always consider her an amazing mentor. The TRiO program helped make being a first generation college student less scary and a rewarding experience. I owe a huge thank you to that program and Linda. I couldn't have graduated without them! 

Anything else you want to add?
Going to a community college does not mean you aren't smart enough for a university. Many, many people, including myself, turned down university acceptance to attend EvCC. You save money and get a truly amazing education. I would truly recommend EvCC to anyone. The community is incredibly welcoming and studious. I was challenged intellectually every day by my professors, classmates, and course work. I wouldn't trade my experience at Everett Community College for anything. 

2017 TRiO graduates Kyla Ruse, Ashley Hanson and Brittany Crolley.
Kyla Ruse, Ashley Hanson and Brittany Crolley 2017 TRiO graduates