Student Spotlight - Jeremy Allen

Jeremy Allen learned about the manufacturing process from start to finish at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center (AMTEC), which serves more than 200 manufacturing industry employers in Snohomish County. "I chose EvCC not only because of the high reviews online and the close proximity to my place of residence, but also because the faculty had industry experience in the field that I chose to study," he said.

Photo: AMTEC (Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center) graduate Jeremy Allen and his son Jordan celebrate before EvCC's commencement ceremony in June 2017. 

What did you study at EvCC?

Advanced Manufacturing Technology - CAD

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC not only because of the high reviews online and the close proximity to my place of residence, but also because the faculty had industry experience in the field that I chose to study.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

It's hard to give credit to just one member...I feel the two most influential faculty members that helped me succeed were David Primacio and Lisa Marone. They both pushed me to overcome boundaries and see my full potential as I progressed through my 2 years of study...without their help I would have struggled for sure.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

Find something you are passionate about and stick with it and don't hesitate to share that passion with your Instructors as they will help nurture that passion. Never give up!!!

What do you plan to do next?

I ultimately want to pursue a career in my degree field first and foremost. However, my long term goal is to further my degree and obtain my Bachelors Degree in Engineering, possibly Mechanical. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

My most memorable experience hands down had to be being nominated for and winning Club Member of the year for 2016-2017. The amount of dedication and time I put into getting the AMTEC Organization recognized as a club along with the help of Jason Speicher, the club's advisor, was a major factor in winning the award. It is something I will always cherish as a fond memory of my journey at EvCC.

Anything else you want to add?

The time I had at EvCC will be greatly missed. The college definitely feels like a family to me and it was a surreal moment graduating. I feel like a part of me will always be connected to the long history that has made EvCC what it is today.