Student Spotlight - Cindi Howard

Cindi Howard

Cindi Howard overcame setbacks and obstacles to complete her program in early chilhood education and graduate with high honors. Cindi received an Outstanding Graduate award and thanks the caring EvCC faculty and student support services who helped her reach her goals. "Every professor worked well with my disabilities (hearing aids and anxiety). I felt that the professors were very supportive of me academically and personally," she said.

What did you study at EvCC?

I studied and received my AA in Early Childhood Education.

Why did you choose EvCC?

EvCC had the available program that I was interested in. I wanted to do as much as possible online because of my full time job as a teacher. EvCC was convenient to my job, so when I did take a few classes on site, I had some flexibility that did not interfere with my job.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

Paula Solis-Krock was always there from the very beginning.  Paula never gave up on me. I went through a divorce, a bankruptcy, selling my house of 19 years, moving to a new town (away from friends), I became an "empty nester" and became very sick. I was hospitalized and Paula helped me decide to take a quarter off so, I could get better. I was afraid if I quit, I wouldn't get back into it. I took a quarter off, and Paula kept in contact. I re-enrolled the following quarter, sober and ready to complete my degree. ( I am 14 months sober.) Paula always was just a phone call away, or I could come visit with her if I needed.

Omar and Allison in Trio also supported me when I was going through the last couple of years. I met with both of them, too — making sure that taking a quarter off would be beneficial for me and the right choice. Both of them counseled me on some school and personal decisions. 

I am very thankful for Paula, Michelle Barnes, Omar, Allison, and all the professors that I had. Every professor worked well with my disabilities (hearing aids and anxiety). I felt that the professors were very supportive of me academically and personally.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

Don't give up. Things can seem way out of control, but you need to take advantage of the many people at EvCC that are there to help guide and support you. You really do not have to be alone. Also, stay in school while you are young. Working full time and going to school full time and having children and a life, bills, rent, etc., makes things a bit more difficult. Reach out before you are passed the point of desperation.

What do you plan to do next? 

I will be staying at my current job as a teacher for the Tulalip Tribes. I am enrolled for Fall 2019 at North Seattle College to enter into a BAS program in Early Childhood Education.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

The two best experiences were receiving an Outstanding Student award at a reception, and walking in graduation. I went to both and was happy that I did. My daughters wanted me to do both, so I did it for them. However, I felt proud of myself (which is an extremely rare thing for me), walking across that stage. I graduated with high honors (3.96 GPA). I earned the right to walk and to participate in the graduation ceremony, and it felt really great.