Student Spotlight - Vaughan Nelson

A middle school teacher instilled in Vaughan Nelson the belief that he could excel and achieve his dreams. Now he's on a mission to become a math teacher and replicate that classroom for another generation of students. EvCC's student housing, track and field team, TRiO and Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement programs are all part of Vaughan's success story. "I was chosen to come to this school for a reason," he says.

Vaughan Nelson graduated from Everett Community College in June 2020. 

Why did you choose EvCC?

Did I choose EvCC or did the school choose me? I was at Trinity Lutheran College (a private, Christian college that was located in Everett until it closed in 2016) and when the school had finally closed down, 2015-16 was the official last year of classes, sports, enrollment and graduation for students attending! Those who weren't graduating were left to find a new home. A new setting that maybe wasn't Everett.

My track & field coach for Trinity Lutheran College was going to be a coach for Everett Community College. I had built a reputation in my internship for the program called Youth For Christ on Casino Road and was getting familiar with a new city after years living south in Seattle and Tacoma. I was not willing to give up both my internship that had cultivated loving and lasting relationship with the middle and high school students and my relationship with my track coach that could possibly prohibit a great opportunity in Everett that I've been thriving in! I believe the choice was mutual! I was chosen to come to this school for a reason and I also believe that I did choose Everett, and I'm glad that I made that choice.

What are you studying at EvCC?

I am studying Secondary Education: Mathematics in order to become a middle or high school math teacher. In middle school, I had an AVID teacher named Ms. Hawkins who always believed and pushed for us to get an education and become what we wanted to be. I always loved math and I always loved the teachers who made math enjoyable because, let's be honest, math is a hard subject. If there was a possible way in teaching that subject in a unique that is fun and for students to understand, I am up for the challenge! For every problem, there can be a solution or many solutions and I believe that I can make math a fun subject that students can enjoy.

I hope that my story and my experiences can be that extra push to get students to pursue their education if they feel lost or feel like they do not know what to do after high school.

Why did you decide to live in Student Housing? What do you like about living on campus? 

It was my junior year of high school when I Ieft home. Home life has been pretty unstable, controlled and chaotic. My father was an alcoholic and my mother was a workaholic (for the right reasons). It was where she had met someone new, and through all that, it was either my mom's kids or this man. I didn't want my mother struggling again, and so the decision was for me to leave. With much perseverance from busing two hours daily to and from school from Tacoma to Seattle (Ballard High School), I knew opportunity would present itself. I always wanted to live on campus! This is where you would get the fun memories, build the closest relationships and it was better than catching 3-4 buses daily and couch surfing from home to home. At Trinity Lutheran College, living on campus made resources on campus accessible.

Vaughan and other resident assistants in EvCC's Mountain View Hall in 2019. 

Living on Campus at Everett Community College has truly been a blessing! Not only was I a resident living on campus, I also became a Resident Assistant! It has been a joyful experience using the gifts I have: being a positive provider, keen listener, responsible, active, intentional and open minded individual, sharing with residents and current students as well on campus! I love that I'm able to communicate with everyone on different stages and walks of life! I especially love how close I live from the school!

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff, etc.) What did that person do to help you? 

I believe Lea Watson, Julian Bardwell, Allison Wherling and Omar Marquez have been the four keen staff members who have helped me at my time at Everett Community College! Lea (Assistant Director of Residence Life) has never given up on me! She has provided me with job opportunities and has encouraged me through the low, lonely, happy, and exciting times during my time at Everett as resident, student and Resident Assistant!

Julian (Cross Country and Track and Field Coach) has been honing my athletic and active ability on and off the track, being a resource and support when I had my injury and pinched nerve last season. He checked in on me from time to time and was very encouraging during that season of my life.

Allison (TRiO Student Support Services Faculty Member) has been an repairwoman to my engine for the last few years, discussing my next four-year plan when I'm off to Eastern, constantly encouraging me to exceed instead of doing the bare minimum and providing a safe space to decompress, as she was also my counselor.

Omar (Sociology Instructor) really challenged me in the classroom and to speak on my identity as black man who believes in Jesus! Not only was his teaching style profound and spoke to many individuals in the class, I also looked forward to going into classroom on the daily. These phenomenal extraordinary Individuals not only challenged me in classrooms, in sports and my mindset, but they also all saw success in my future. 

Describe the best experience you've had at EvCC so far. 

As a student, I've walked around campus throughout the weird snow days and through the many multiple raindrops hitting campus, but through all that, the sun does shine not just in the weather but in people who come EvCC. To greet multiple people morning, day and night that I had the pleasure to struggle with in many classrooms, to play basketball and workout with in the gym, to go on service learning and college trips with students in TRiO, to pass by in the cafeteria, study groups in the library speaking different languages, and to have the conversations with residents in the Everett Student Housing - all of these events and many more have been a light for me!

A smile from somebody gets me very excited and happy. A conversation with another individual who may just need a listening ear or a helping hand is enjoyable as well! Winning in three-on-three games or even in 21 always fills me! The experiences and memories that I've created with many other students will always continue to be a part of me.

With these memories, I want to share with youth that not only can you get an education, but you can have fun while doing it! I hope that my story and my experiences can be that extra push to get students to pursue their education if they feel lost or feel like they do not know what to do after high school.

How did your EvCC Foundation scholarship help you?  

The EvCC Foundation scholarship helped me due to lack of resources and other scholarship opportunities given at that time! It was a fulfilling and a joyful experience to know the family who was donating to my education. It puts things in perspective in which when I have funds, I will also donate to an eager student wanting to pursue their education!

What advice do you have for new EvCC students? 

Have you ever been somewhere feeling stuck or lost not knowing what to do? If so, get into a club or community that is willing to invest time into you! A famous quote by Anthony "Tony" Kripas (Sr. Business Development and Marketing Strategist) is: "It's not what you know, it's who you know and how you get noticed!"

Being in a club builds a community which lasts years after college. The people you build your time with is very valuable and essential for the future! Getting in programs like TRiO, MESA, Math Club, BSU, 1st Nations, etc. will build that connection so that you do not feel lost.

What do you you wish you'd known about EvCC sooner? 

I wish I had know sooner that TRiO (a federal program that supports college students who are the first in their family to attend college, who are low-income, or who have disabilities) has been at multiple colleges for many years now! That the resources it offers such as counseling, tutoring, printing, advising and a work space is all located in one place on campus. 

The TRiO and MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program) space is very convenient to the student, and I didn't know about this until my second year at EvCC. My older brother was at Seattle Central Community College and they offered TRiO at his school and he would always wear the sweatshirt, but I never thought it was a helpful resource like it is now for me!

What do you plan to do after EvCC?  

Ever since I took AVID at Jason Lee Middle School in Tacoma with my teacher Mrs. Hawkins, I always had this dream to become a middle or high school math teacher. I enjoyed math no matter how hard the subject got; I loved solving problems and also learning in such a unique way. I want to be that teacher that teaches to the unique individual student in a subject that is mostly disliked (compared to science). I wish to make math a subject that is understood, enjoyable and also fun!

There has been a serious need for male, African American teachers over the last decade. I had a teacher (Mrs. Hawkins) who instilled in me that I can become what I want and that I can exceed and excel in my education post high school. Students need a teacher to create that safe space in the classroom to get told that they can achieve their dreams! This is what I want to do in the future. After EvCC, I will be enrolled at Eastern Washington University to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education.