Student Spotlight - Krystle Hushagen

EvCC nursing graduate Krystle Hushagen.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I chose EvCC because I had heard wonderful things about their nursing program. I had met some of the instructors while working at the Starbucks across the street, and they were all welcoming and encouraging. It was also close to home, so I could still be near my family and friends.

Why do you want to be a nurse?

I have wanted to be a nurse since I was in middle school. Caring for others in their time of need means something special to me. I believe I am a compassionate and caring person and I wanted to give back to people. 

Did you learn anything new about yourself that was surprising while completing the program? 

I learned that I could push myself to achieve anything I set my mind to. I learned how to succeed in different situations and how to navigate dealing with all types of individuals. 

Is there anything the program taught you about being a nurse that you had not thought about or considered before?

The program taught me and prepared me for all aspects of nursing. It touched on subjects like biases and ethics, which are so important to the profession. 

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

I am currently working at Providence Regional Medical Center on the renal unit. I plan to start school for my BSN degree at the beginning of 2021. 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC?

I had many people help me along my journey at EvCC but a few stood out more than others. Gail McLean was so crucial to my nursing school experience. I had some family issues and a death of someone really close to me first quarter, and Gail really helped me stay focused on my goals and push through the tough times. Vanessa DePuente was also very important to my journey. She helped me prepare for a career as a nurse and the transition from student to professional. She was always there with encouraging words and advice to help me succeed. All of the instructors were wonderful, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC. 

The best experience I had at EvCC was the whole two years I was in nursing school. The friendships I made, the connections I made, and the personal growth that came from accomplishing my dream are irreplaceable. 

Would you recommend the nursing program at EvCC to others who are deciding where to get their degree?

I would recommend the program at EvCC to anyone looking to start a career in nursing. The program ensures your success and prepares you perfectly to transition into your professional role as a nurse. 

What advice do you have for new students? 

I would tell any new student to push through the hard times. Remember that they are temporary bumps on a road leading to greatness. I would remind them that nursing school is hard but the end result is worth it. That every single obstacle just sets you up for a great success story.