Faculty Spotlight - Dennis Skarr

A male college instructor stands in front of industrial equipment and screens.

Dennis Skarr is tenured faculty at Everett Community College and teaches Information Technology. Dennis enjoys creating classes for his students, which include tabletop and capstone exercises replicating real world experiences in cybersecurity, misinformation, and ethical hacking. His teaching endeavors resulted in receiving the 2019 Exceptional Faculty Award from EvCC.

Dennis is currently building an Industrial Cybersecurity program for EvCC that includes classes, workshops, and Capture the Flag competitions.

Dennis has an extensive background in performing security assessments on a variety of industrial control systems. While he was with the National Guard, Dennis created a two-week training program for cyber operators to receive special qualifications for missions involving cyber-physical systems. Dennis spent over 10 years performing assessments for the National Guard on critical systems that included building automation systems, electrical utilities, and voting systems. In 2016, Dennis’ work at the Guard contributed to U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter visiting his unit for a briefing on their capabilities and achievements.

Dennis enjoys collecting vinyl records, barbequing, camping, and keeping up with his two young kids.