Student Spotlight - Ryan Nelson

When Ryan Nelson agreed to help his friend look into a career in aviation maintenance, he had no idea it would lead him to quitting his job and starting the aviation maintenance program at Everett Community College. But that’s exactly what he did, and since then, he’s never looked back. A few years later, Nelson is now working as a Lead Technician at Horizon Air, preforming maintenance on all their aircrafts. 

Ryan Nelson moves equipment in an airplane hanger at Horizon Air.

Why did you choose EvCC’s aviation maintenance program? 

It’s actually more about how I discovered the program. A friend of mine was at a crossroads searching for a career path, and another friend suggested looking into aviation maintenance. I initially offered to help him look into the AMT career, but then thought it was something I would enjoy. I was happy with my career at the time, but after doing research into EvCC’s program, I decided to attend an information session. As soon as I left the info session, I knew the EvCC AMT program was for me. I soon after quit my job and enrolled. The rest is history.

How are the skills you learned at EvCC helping you reach your professional goals? 

EvCC’s AMT program set me up for success. I started using and applying my skills immediately after learning them. The hands-on training along with the system knowledge I gained was applicable to everything done out in the field. The instructors teach using first-hand experience, which helps prepare students for work life after obtaining their A&P.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

I can't just pick one. I enjoyed my entire time at EvCC. Every class was great, but I would have to say anytime we were out in the Hangar (Lab) doing hands-on projects was the best part of the day. 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

The entire staff really. They all contributed in different ways and I can't thank them enough. 

What is your job title at Horizon?

My current position at Horizon is Lead Technician.

Could you describe the work you do in this role?

Not only do I perform maintenance on all the aircrafts, but I am also in charge of ensuring all the maintenance is done by the other technicians. Every night we do everything from checking the oil to engine borescopes to repairing engine components.