Student Spotlight - Anthony Do

Anthony Do is centered in a photo between two class mates. They are all dressed in red graduation gowns and caps and standing on EvCC's campus with Jackson Conference Center in the background.

Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

STEM Pathway Icon

Anthony Do, an EvCC alum now pursuing a bachelor's in Software Engineering at WSU-Everett, credits the College Bound Scholarship for easing financial worries. As a running start student, he earned a DTA and an associate degree at EvCC, developing essential skills through roles like a student ambassador. Anthony encourages new students to reflect on their goals, highlighting how the Student Ambassadors at EvCC became a supportive and cherished family during his time there.

How did the College Bound Scholarship impact your choice to go to EvCC?

Having the College Bound Scholarship allowed me to feel less worried entering college with the knowledge that I would get financial support.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

My name is Anthony Do and I'm currently a junior at WSU-Everett. Some things I love include music (playing, composing, listening, everything!), watching movies, writing, reading, and learning about religion! I was a running start student at EvCC and got a DTA and an associate of arts and science degree, which I used to transfer to WSU-Everett.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because it was the college in which I could do Running Start that was closest to home and was also where both of my siblings went.

What do you plan to do next?

I am currently working towards getting my bachelor's degree in Software Engineering.

What interested you about your area of study?

The reason I chose this was actually because I wasn't sure what to do at first and was suggested by both my brother and my dad to look into computer science. After taking the introduction class, I just kept going, and now here I am, all the way into this area of study. I wanted to then go to WSU-Everett, which has a program for Software Engineering (Computer science would've been at Pullman), and so that's what I'm doing as I wanted to stay close and go to WSU-Everett.

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

Working as a student ambassador during my time at EvCC really helped me to get working experience and social skills. These include public speaking, organization, teamwork, leadership skills, and many more.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

My best experience was working in Student LIFE. This is where I met my closest friends, including my best friend whom I now call family. This time in my life is one I'll cherish forever. It gave me something that would last forever. Both memories and amazing friends.

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you? 

There are a number of people to thank who have helped me push forward throughout my time at EvCC. My best friend, co-workers at Student LIFE, and my bosses really made a difference in my life. I've learned a lot from them and they were always there for support. We were all a family at Student LIFE, my team and I. It was just such an uplifting environment and that really helped me to find joy and keep going even when things got tough in school/life.

What advice do you have for new students? 

We all go to school for a reason. The question is then "How do you want to do it?" Answer that, and it will tell you how to go about your college years. Do you want to finish as quickly as you can? Do you want to meet new people? Do you want to be involved in your school? We're all trying to finish. But what you do in the meantime makes all the difference once it's over.