Student Spotlight - Bianca Morales

Bianca Morales in crimson scrubs, wearing blue gloves, head tilted to the right

Pathway: Healthcare

Healthcare Pathway Icon

Bianca Morales wanted experience in the medical field, so she chose Everett Community College’s medical assistant program, where students can graduate from a nationally accredited program in as little as five quarters and prepare for the certified medical assistant (CMA) exam. Bianca is now proud to work in her community while pursuing entrance into EvCC’s nursing program. “I found confidence here that I never would have known I had if it weren't for the teachers pushing me to give it my all,” she said. “I had an amazing experience!!!!!”

What is your current occupation/career? 

Currently, I am a Medical Assistant at Community Health Center.

What credentials did you earn at EvCC and when?

I earned my medical assistant certificate (CMA) in March 2022 and an Associate in Technical Arts in June 2022.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I chose EvCC due to the cost. I had to pay out of pocket, and EvCC was the most realistic place I could afford, and it was close to home. I was also familiar with the campus; it felt like the best fit for me. 

Why did you decide to become a medical assistant?

I became a medical assistant because I knew I wanted to be a nurse but did not want to go into it without a background in the field. I researched the medical assistant program here at EvCC and decided that this program would help me decide if nursing was for me. 

How did your time at EvCC help you pursue your current career?

The medical assistant program here trained me to be the medical assistant I am today. I am proud to work in my community.

What did you do after you graduated from EvCC?

After I graduated I worked for four months before going back to school for nursing. Today I am still working as a medical assistant while attending EvCC. I hope to apply in the fall for the nursing program here because I had an amazing experience!!!!!

Did you learn anything new about yourself that was surprising while completing the program? 

I learned that I am resilient and that I am meant for this field. I found confidence here that I never would have known I had if it weren't for the teachers pushing me to give it my all. They taught me all the skills I have and most importantly they taught me what type of medical assistant I want to be and that is someone who is caring, understanding, professional, and kind. 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? 

The teachers and students helped me succeed. I had such amazing teachers who wanted us to grow. The students I met in this program are some of my closest friends and some of them I work with. I couldn't have done it without them all: Amber, Rhonda, and Santi were some of my favorite teachers!! 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC. 

My experience was unique. I started the program during the pandemic, which was not easy because everything went online. However, the MA program was one of the first to go back in person so that we could be trained properly. Although it was restricted in what we could do on campus, the teachers did their best to make the experience safe and educational despite it all. With that, I applaud them for being adaptive during the pandemic. I appreciate how they were still able to train us student medical assistants well and prepare us to be certified medical assistants (CMAs). 

Would you recommend the medical assistant program at EvCC to others? 

I would 100% recommend this program to anyone wanting to step into the medical field who are unsure of where they should start. This program is amazing and I don't think I had any negative experiences. 

What advice do you have for new students? 

I would advise future students to work hard and believe in themselves knowing that everything they have been taught will be used in the real world as a medical assistant. Many clinics in the area love EvCC’s program because they produce the best medical assistants, so be proud of the school you come from. 
Also, remember your steps when drawing blood!!! Don’t overthink it and good luck. I hope to see you all in the medical field doing great things!!