Student Spotlight - Elizabeth Martinez

Elizabeth Martinez poses with soccer gear on the EvCC track.

Elizabeth Martinez will be the first-generation in her family to graduate from a university. She chose Everett Community College for its proximity to home and affordability. Martinez plans to transfer to the University of Washington to study architecture. As an all-star women’s soccer forward, one of her favorite parts of attending the college was participating in Trojan Athletics. “Everyone wants to see you succeed and I think that is something I will always love about Everett,” she says.

Pathway: Arts
Arts Pathway Icon

Tell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC. 

My name is Elizabeth Martinez and I’m a first generation college student and was All Star Women’s Soccer Forward last year. I graduated from EvCC with an Associate in Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement and will be continuing my studies and transferring to University of Washington to study architecture design. I love art and making people’s visions come true, which led me to start a custom art page where I design custom rugs, paintings and embroider clothing! 

Why did you choose EvCC?

The location of EvCC made looking for resources a lot easier! I was born in Everett and raised in Marysville, so staying nearby helped me financially and made going to school a lot easier!

What do you plan to do next?

I plan to transfer to UW in the fall to study Architecture! My ultimate goal is to create my own firm/business with my brother in construction and design my dream home. I’m also interested in playing for UW’s soccer team and making a coed team so my brother and I can play on the same team! 

What interested you about your area of study?

I have always been a perfectionist, aiming to get the straightest lines, coloring within the lines and math has been one of my things! It wasn’t until my mom told me about this career choice that I realized how much I would love this career. I knew I wanted a career choice that allowed me to use my hands and stay up and about, and after doing research on the career of architect I fell in love with their lifestyle! Drawing buildings and seeing them come to life is very exciting and motivates me to continue my studies and be the first in my family to graduate from a university! 

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

I learned to reach for my goals because at EvCC you will always have the support and motivation you need to succeed. There are so many resources that are very accessible to everyone! I was part of TRiO and College Success Foundation, who helped me with academic and life advice. Trojan Athletics has also helped me (plustons of other students) with academic, athletic advice, and athletic scholarships. Everyone wants to see you succeed and I think that is something I will always love about Everett. There’s a real sense of community and staff who truly want to see you succeed 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

I’ve had many fun experiences at EvCC like going to sports games and drawing up a blueprint of the AMTEC building in AutoCAD, but one of the best experiences I had at Everett is when I had the NWAC cross country championships and the NWAC All-Star soccer game in one weekend! That whole weekend I was doing things that I loved, surrounded by people who enjoyed the sport as well! Cross country and soccer are two very different types of sports, but I’ve always enjoyed running so even morning runs with the cross country team helped me with soccer, and vice versa! 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you? 

Nicole Nsa, women’s soccer coach. She has helped me succeed as a student athlete in many ways, like offering academic, athletic, and life advice. Whenever I had a question she always put in the effort to give me a reliable answer. She would also motivate me to be the best I can and always told me the right things at the right times. Throughout my ACL recovery my sophomore year, Nicole always made me feel included, loved and supported! She helped me navigate through my recovery and I will forever be grateful for all of her help and support! 

Ashley K. Smith, College Success Foundation coach: Ashley was my CSF coach since junior year of high school and helped me to have a smooth transition from high school to college! She helped me fill out scholarships, college applications and FAFSA. She was an amazing academic advisor and photographer! She took my graduation and prom pictures. She has an amazing energy and now runs her own photography business! I appreciate her in all that she does! 

My soccer team has also helped me succeed as a person and a player! They gave my support throughout my injury recovery and were the sisters that I needed! I love them all! 

What advice do you have for new students? 

My advice would be to figure out what you love to do and make a career out of it! Do something you would enjoy doing every day! Also to always ask for help whenever you need it! There’s a solution to every problem, and if you go out and search for it at EvCC you’ll figure out what you need! 

Elizabeth Martinez at Graduation