Trojan Baseball at Columbia Basin College - Pasco, WA
Over March 8th and 9th, the Trojan Baseball Team will be in Pasco, WA on the campus of Columbia Basin College to play four non-league games. On Saturday, March 8th, the first game of the double header with the Hawks will start at 1:00pm. The second game will start approximately 30 minutes after the end of the first, around 4:00pm or so. The first game of Sunday's double header will have the first pitch at 12:00pm. Again, the second game will begin about 30 minutes after the first game ends, around 3:00pm or so. Both days games will be played their baseball field, which is on the far side of the CBC campus from the entrance off of 20th Avenue on the other side of the soccer field and north of the softball field.
Columbia Basin College is located at:
2600 N. 20th Ave.
Pasco, WA 99301
If you are unable to make it over to Pasco - you can watch the live stream at:
You can follow the live stats at:
Game 1 -
Game 2 -
Game 1 -
Game 2 -